71. From the sidelines

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{Eddie's POV}

I woke up, rubbing my face trying to center myself, yawning as the light from the day shone through my window. I squinted at it and looked at my alarm clock, signaling 11 am. It's a Saturday, so I can lazy up in bed as much as I want.

My eyes shot open as I remembered I was going to band practice with Jeff and Gareth and I was already late as fuck. Shit!

I immediately rushed out of bed and started getting dressed as fast as I could. They're going to kill me, fuck. I almost tripped into my closet as I jumped in one leg to get my pants on and I almost stepped on something. I looked down on it, making sure I didn't completely destroy it and hid it once more in my dresser.

Y/N's gift.

I chickened out. I couldn't give it to her. I was afraid I was going to be too forward with it, and I am still working on myself. The last thing I want is having to explain to her that even with this gift, it didn't mean that we would get back together. I knew I would hurt her, and that is the last thing I want to do. I do know, that I am getting better, and my trust for her is growing each moment I spend with her. I don't want to ruin it for overstepping that boundary of myself, and much less ruin what we had built till now.

But on her birthday, when I greeted her, I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to, really badly, just in the middle of the hallway, not caring for what everyone said, and the trust bug was quiet. It didn't speak, it didn't warn me, it didn't yell me to stop. I smiled down at the gift and I could probably give it sooner than I thought to her.

I threw on my Black Sabbath shirt and my jean jacket over me, getting hold of my guitar's case with a hand. I walked to the living room and kitchen area to get something, anything at all, finding only some bread. I shrugged and grabbed a piece, walking out of my trailer to load my van with my baby and then start driving towards Gareth's. His house was in the suburbs area of Hawkins, and his parents were middle class people, so his house was quite nice. His garage is all set up with instruments and amps because his father also had a band when younger, so it's a great place to practice.

I could already see the garage door open already as I pulled up and I was welcomed by Jeff and Gareth's pissed faces as I stepped out of my vehicle.

"You're late Eddie!" Jeff exclaimed with his bass in hand and I rolled my eyes as I took my guitar case out from the back of the van.

"Just an hour late... Who practices music at 10 AM on a fucking Saturday?" Gareth slammed the drumsticks together a couple of times, signaling me that he felt nervous.

"It's the big gig Eddie. It's not the Hideout." He reminded me and I nodded, giving a sigh to him, raising my hands up in surrender after I left my case on the floor.

"Right, but guys, it's in two weeks." I say to them and they sigh back at me, making me frown in confusion. "Do you guys doubt our skills?"

"Eddie, we're amateurs." Jeff says and I walked over to him, pressing a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

"We are, that's why we have to shine, and I know this... But we're already fucking good! I mean, he saw us play many times, and once he was sure, he invited us to play at Spitting Devil. We caused an impression, which means, we are more than good." I try to cheer them up and it seems I get that point across because they genuinely smile my way and I nod happy with the new resolve in their minds.

"Alright, then let's get started." Gareth says and I take my guitar out to start tuning it into place with my metronome I got for Christmas. I always sort of smiled when I used it cause it reminded me of that specific day, and the events that transpired in the night. It's hard to believe that happened three months ago, and that we broke up almost as soon as we got together. I found out by Patrick himself that they discovered us because they stalked her. My blood boiled when I thought about that, because it just kept meaning that Y/N meant everything she said to me and everything she did the months we were together, making me feel horrible about not trusting her.

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