59. The Mechanic

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{Noone's POV}

"YOU WHAT?!" The four girls yelled as Y/N sipped on her milkshake with an absent look on her face. They were all sitting down on a bench at the fountain of star court mall. Robin was on her lunch break and she got a nag from Steve because she was leaving him alone at Family Video.

"Yep." Y/N said and sighed at the reaction of the girls in front of her.

"Well... At least you know he wants to... He just needs time Y/N." Nancy says to her, trying to cheer her up and Chrissy nodded enthustiastically at that.

"Yes! You just have to keep being yourself, someday you will be able to talk it out." She said to the distraught girl, and she only replied with an exasperated huff.

"I appreciate your concerns, but I feel like a fucking idiot. I can't believe I kissed him, out of nowhere, a week after he told me we needed to just be friends!" Y/N groaned as she ran her hands through her face, dragging it down in complete embarrasment. She felt like she was pushing him into a relationship once more, and she definitely was not doing that. She was just completely tipsy and he looked good in his Black Sabbath T-Shirt, and ripped Denim jeans. She just couldn't help herself. She missed him, spiritually, physically and mentally.

"It's been two days... He probably forgot about it already, don't worry..." Max chided in with a frown in her face and Y/N nodded slightly as she took another sip of her milkshake.

"Okay, no more kissing Eddie, wait for him to do it himself, and when he does that means he is ready to talk." Chrissy said and Y/N glanced at her and gave her a sigh. She had to wait for Eddie. She couldn't just push her feelings into him, because she wanted him to be with her for real, like she wanted to be with him. She wanted Eddie to want her.

"Okay... How long will I have to wait?" She asked and that was something none of the girls could answer to her. Nancy cleared her throat after a few seconds.

"It depends on how long you are willing to wait... Y/N, you are free to do whatever right now." She says and Y/N frowned, looking at Nancy with a surprised look on her face.

"I just want to be with Eddie, noone else." At that, Robin did a whistle with a smile on her face.

"Damn, you're down pretty bad. You sure you aren't in love?" At that Y/N stiffened. She had considered it, being in love with Eddie, but she always pushed it away, because it just felt too early, and her expertise on the matter wasn't that great either.

"Robin, I don't know what love is... I just know I want to be with him, and just him." Y/N states and the girls nod at that, understanding her, feeling themselves blush at the cheesyness of it all.

"Well, I should go, I have to get back to work." Robin tells the girls and they all nod at their friend.

"And I am heading for the toilet." Chrissy states and both girls get up at the same time, but Chrissy bumps heads with Robin's and they both wince as the redhead giggles shyly. "Sorry Robs." Robin was left rubbing her head as she looked down at Chrissy.

"N-No problem Chris." Chrissy smiled and walked away leaving Robin Buckley standing there. The other three girls were wide eyed at the interaction and the one to break the silence was Max.

"Uh, what was that--?" She was cut off by Robin shaking her head, muttering a 'Nothing' under her breath and leaving the scene. Y/N and Nancy share a look with eachother.

"You don't think..." Y/N began talking but Max scoffed and nodded taking a sip from the straw of her strawberry milkshake.

"She might just think Chrissy's pretty; Robin always gets nervous around pretty people." Nancy states and she didn't even believe that fact herself. She hoped that her friend would not fantasize about Chrissy because Robin did not deserve another heartbreak. Vickie had sent mixed messages but stayed with her boyfriend nonetheless, and Robin deserved someone that loves her completely.

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