73. The definition of Selfishness

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There's the dream again. I have my own personal Auto Repair and Modification service. I am walking around the garage, as I do a stock review of parts that need to be re-ordered. Someone yells at me from above, helping me with my list, and then someone else enters my shop, making me smile widely.

I blinked slowly, trying to center myself on where I was, waking up from that repetitive dream in my head. Two people. There were two this time. I snuggled into the pillow, and the bitter cologne entered my nostrils, almost immediately, making my eyes shoot open like plates. I raised my head to look around, finding myself alone in Eddie's bed.

Eddie's bed.

Eddie's room.

Eddie's house.

I smiled widely, snuggling into his pillow to inhale his scent, the memories of yesterday rushing into my head like wildfire, spreading all over my body. He said he missed me... I waited so long, and wished for him to want me again so many nights, and it finally happened. Every second I waited for, was worth it. And thanks to waiting, thanks to the constant panging in my chest, thanks to the desire of getting him back, I finally have the word for what I feel for him. A word I was so against saying out loud, and even admitting to myself, because I hardly know what it is... But there's no other word to describe what I feel for Eddie. No other.

I love him. I love him so much.

I cannot believe it took me this long to figure it out. I somehow always knew my feelings for him, I knew it was love and no longer a crush, or a caring feeling. I would do anything for him, that much I knew, and I just can't imagine myself with any other than Eddie. I don't know what kind of spell he did to me, or how he manage to make me this way, but I am not complaining at all. It's an amazing feeling once you figure them out.

I started smelling food, eggs to be precise, and I felt the knot in my stomach move around as butterflies fluttered about. Should I tell him? We should probably talk about what is going to happen with our relationship from here on out. Nervousness was washing over me as I got up from bed, putting my thong back on, and I looked towards the Teddy Bear on the night table, making me smile widely. I took a deep breath, gaining courage as I looked into his dresser, grabbing one of his big white shirts, throwing it on myself and it looked oversized on me, which was perfect. I looked into the small mirror of his door, fixing my hair, wiping the ran down make up from under my eyes, but I just wanted to go out there and greet him.

With a final breath, I pushed the door open, slowly walking towards the kitchen and living room area, turning the corner to see a shirtless Eddie Munson with the same black pants and the bun back on his head, scrambling some eggs on the pan. He looked so beautiful. He was so concentrated.

"Hi." I made myself present and he jumped, shaking the pan and spatula slightly from the scare, his head turning towards me with a panicked look on his face.

"Jesus, my heart left my body." He dramatically says and I chuckled at him, rubbing my head, feeling the butterflies in my stomach trying to push me to go greet him.

"What time is it?" I asked him, trying to make conversation and I honestly didn't look at the clock when I woke up. He looked up towards the wall clock in his kitchen, and I looked at it and then back at Eddie, knowing he has a hard time reading analog watches and clocks. I waited, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to not laugh as he turned around sharply, looking at me.

"8:15." He says and waits for me to answer and I shook my head at him. He cursed under his breath looking down at the eggs again, making me finally giggle at his cuteness.

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