69. The unspoken word

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{Y/N's POV}

"He kissed you!?" Four girls yelled in unison as they all sat at the Buckley's living room. I blushed deeply as I gave them a soft nod, holding my cheeks from the heat. We were having a well-deserved girls night.

"Wow... He is growing." Chrissy says with a smile on her face and I looked at her, smiling widely. I was in bliss. He actually showed me he still wanted me, despite it all, and that he is trying to make things better for us. I am happy, so happy to know that it wasn't one sided... I just felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"How long do you think he needs?" I asked the girls and they all shrugged at me and then Robin talked.

"I bet it's going to be soon, I mean, he kissed you! It's obvious that it's just a matter of time." I smiled at her an nodded enthusiastically, looking at Max who hada shy smile on her face as well as a frown, making my brows furrow together as well.

"You okay?" She snapped out of her trance as I talked to her and nodded at me.

"Yeah... I was just thinking." She gifted me a smile and I wasn't entirely convinced by this, but I gave her a shrug as if telling her 'okay'. I looked at Nancy who was humming while puffing up her hair with the brush and I squinted towards Robin and Chrissy, who squinted back at me, and we all looked at Nancy.

"Nance..." Robin called her and the curly headed girl turned around, looking at Robin.

"Yeah?" She asked and Chrissy now stared towards Nancy, as if inspecting her and then she pointed at her with widened eyes, making us all jump in surprise.

"You're single!" Chrissy yelled and our heads snapped at Nancy with widened eyes and she was stuttering, looking back and forth to all of us until she finally sighed, putting the brush down.

"I was going to tell you guys... Other topics were at hand." She sighed and I felt guilty at this, making me shift on my seat, my eyebrows furrowing together as I sat on the ground cross legged looking at her.

"Nance, that's way more important than... whatever is happening in my love life..." I say to her and she sighed, shaking her head.

"I've seen it coming. It wasn't something new really... It was mostly me, mustering the courage to give the final words." She explains to us and we all nodded at her, knowing it was true. For the past month, her advances towards Steve were clear, and now, the girls, including myself, cannot wait for the boy's reaction to Nancy being single once again.

"Beware Wheeler, because the moment Dingus finds out... you're gonna end up in a wheelchair." Robin giggled and we all just winced in disgust for then to Nancy smirk and look at Robin.

"I think it's going to be the other way around Robs." And we all now screamed, throwing our hands in the air. Max had a deep blush on her cheeks as we talked about this subject and Chrissy patted her shoulder.

"Don't rush just because we talk about something like this." She remarked the younger girl and Max nodded, smiling softly towards us.

"Well, it's not like Lucas didn't grab my ass already." And all of our eyes widened at the confession and we all kept laughing and chatting to Max about her experience. I was surprised that she actually passed the level of intimacy with Lucas, but I was glad that she was still not ready for more. She has hormones, of course, but even she knows her age, and that she is still too immature for these things.

"Okay hang on... Your birthday's this week. Any plans?" Nancy asked me and I fidgeted on my seat. It's not that I didn't want to spend it with them, I would be delighted to do so... But what if they had plans? What if I invited them and I get rejected? I prefer to just save that embarrassment and just spend it with Laura... And it seems with Wayne and Eddie too, not that I'm complaining.

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