38. He needs words

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{Noone's POV}

After the soft kiss they shared together, they went back into talking about their past, sharing memories, and she was surprised by the amount Eddie had of his own, exploring the woods, entering Hawkins when he was in Primary school, and the memory that made her the most intrigued about, was his first guitar. He talked with such passion about it. He got it from Uncle Wayne, when he was 10, right after his dad got jailed up. Wayne told him to just play, and not think about anything else, and that's what Eddie has been doing since then. He uses his skills to lose himself in the music, and let his thoughts move far away. 

She was fascinated by how interesting he made everything sound to her, even if she never in her life cared for these matters, and she found herself looking at him with admiration in her eyes as he changed subjects once more. The first ever dices he had gotten for DnD was thanks to his Aunt Heather, who lived in Washington DC with his cousin Frankie. She didn't know he had more family other than his Uncle, because she never saw any pictures in the trailer, and she never heard them talk about anyone else before in the Munson Family. 

His Aunt Heather took him out to buy some new clothes for him, at the age of 11, and he explained how excited he was, and how his curiosity won the best of him as he entered the store, and started reading the rule book. He was also in love with a pair of red dices, and he couldn't believe it had so many sides. His Aunt loved the fact that he was interested in something again, apart from guitar, so she bought it for him. Wayne almost took it away when Eddie started failing his classes, but he also realized that his nephew had made friends thanks to the game.

"Bruce was a beast. He was a better Dungeon Master than I'll ever be... Seriously, he had like get ups and all for the campaigns!" He explained enthusiastically to her with a smile on his face and she was sipping on her beer as she stared at him, completely bewildered at how big this club actually was, and how interesting it could be, very far from being a cult club.

"But you put a lot of ambience, I saw it!" She defended him and he shook his head slightly.

"He did those too... It was as if we were in that world... It was amazing, but I have better acting and I am very dramatic when I do it. The boys love it." He smirks proudly at himself as he looks at his rings in a snoggy motion. She giggles at him and shakes her head at his way of describing himself.

"A little humility wouldn't hurt you know?" He shrugs towards her, keeping the tug upwards on his lips as he looks back at her.

"That doesn't get you anywhere darling, you have to admit when you are good at something, if you don't, and keep doubting it, you're screwed for life." He says to her and she just kept looking at him, surprised at the advices he has been giving her today. He is looking back at her, staring into her eyes and they both get lost in their stares, not sharing words or anything at all. 

They were in a trance, as if words were not needed at the moment for them. Wondering what this means, what this relationship is, what is this new feeling rising between the both of them, which it did not mean it was a simple friendship no more. She was happy when he told her that she could be his friend, but she wasn't that happy anymore and she didn't quite know why. She was scared of knowing. She was frightened because she would have to destroy everything she worked for the past few years if this were to evolve in something else. 

He was frightened as well. He didn't know why, but he wanted to trust her, he really did, but the trauma bug that sits still on his shoulder keeps whispering that he should be careful. That this should only be physical and nothing more, but deep down Eddie knew this wasn't just a physical matter anymore. They both knew, but they will never act upon it. They will never say it outloud, at least not for now, and they don't know they are feeling the exact same for eachother at the very moment. Eddie clears his throat, making Y/N snap out, shaking her head slightly from the trance she was in and he pointed at the VHS. 

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