57. Coming clean

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{Y/N's POV}

"WHAT?!" I heard the three girls in front of me exclaim as they lifted their heads from their doings. Nancy was taking out her curlers from her hair, while Robin was trying to put on some mascara and Chrissy was painting her nails.

"What you heard." I replied to them, coldly. My heart was still in shambles, still trying to wrap my finger around the fact that I was single once again. I bet people knew I dated Eddie for real, and I also bet that by now everyone knew about my love for mechanics.

"Just friends!?" Nancy yelled loudly as she threw a curler to the floor angrily, and I was confused too. Trust me. All I wanted from this ordeal was to be back in Eddie's arms, and feel wanted by him, cared for, and he ripped that from me as well. I am trying to understand his side of things, but I can't help but focus on my own hurting.

"What the fuck is Eddie doing?!" Robin said as she sat up on my bed.

"No wonder he is a super senior, he makes the dumbest of moves." Nancy replied sharply, catching me by surprise by how mean she just sounded. Chrissy sighed and walked over to my desk and put a hand on my shoulder as I sat on top of it.

"You okay?" She asked me and I felt my eyes burn but I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore, because I already did. Three days to be exact. Tomorrow, Thursday, I would be returning to school after missing a week and a half, and I would have to face Eddie. I slowly nodded and looked at her.

"I guess this is what I get for bullying someone for three years... The trust string is very thin and short... I don't blame him for not trusting me like he used to." At this, the three girls closed their mouths, understanding Eddie's position, more than I did.

"And what are you going to do?" Robin asks me as she bites onto her nails.

"Not giving up... He said 'The best for us right now'... Right now can change in a week, or a month, or months... But this means I still have some hope." I explained to them and they all nodded at me, encouraging me to keep striving for this with Eddie.

It scares me that I am dependent of him. I am scared of how much I need him with me, how much I want him, how much I feel for him and how much I am willing to throw away just for him. I don't know what else I can do to gain his trust back, little by little, but I have to try. I care for him, more than I thought I did. I destroyed someone's car for what he did to him, and also for what he did to me but that's besides the point.

The only problem was... I don't know if he likes me anymore. And that is what's breaking my heart at this very moment. I don't know if he wants me desperately like I want him, I don't know if he feels the same way I do, I don't know if he needs me like I do with him. I just don't know.

"Well, tomorrow, a new you starts at Hawkins High... You ready for that? You might not be the Queen Bee anymore." Chrissy warned me and she told me that nobody of the team gave her specifics of how they feel about me, but it seemed they were thinking about it. I don't know what the whole school will say now, or how they will treat me, but I don't care. I am just going to be me from this point forward, and that is the one thing that is making me smile right now.

I get to be me.


I took a deep breath in as I sat in my car in the parking lot as I put concealer on the bruise on my forehead and some on the top of my brow and cheek. So many nerves were railing me up, so much anxiety was eating me alive. Will I be able to do this? All my life I've been this persona, this puppet, and now I get to be myself for once, but why am I so scared? I looked to my side and my heart stopped as I saw Eddie getting out of his van with a cigarette in his mouth. He threw his bag over his shoulder and put out the stick before walking inside. He was so handsome still. Still making my knees crumble on me, but I had to be strong. I had to keep my head high.

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