23. The destroyed possession

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{Y/N's POV}

I woke up the next day with a slight headache, but nothing too great. I sat up on my bed and I blinked a few times as I rubbed my eyes and I slowly got up from bed. I put on my slippers and walked towards my bathroom to wash my teeth and face. I yawned and I looked at myself in the mirror and I stared at the shirt I was wearing. My eyes widened and I blushed intensely as I looked at the Iron Maiden band plastered onto the black fabric. Everything from last night came back to me like a slap on my face and I cringed in embarrassment as I remembered the kiss on the cheek I gave him as I left. Fuck. It was out of impulse. I sighed and stared at nothingness as I fell deep into thought.

We almost kissed, again. Everything is backwards now, what I thought was right is wrong, and what I felt was wrong is right. What I saw as ugly is pretty and what I saw as pretty is now fucking disgusting. I thought my team was my life, my only social status, my true friends. Meeting Eddie, getting to know him, made me realize they never were. I don't remember laughing like I did last night with my team ever. It was always fake laughs or small giggles, because everything they talked about was completely meaningless. I grabbed the collar of the shirt and frowned slightly, but I sniffed on it and fuck me. It has his scent. He gave me a used shirt. Why the fuck am I not disgusted by this? Why am I in fact getting aroused?

"FUCK!" I yelled and I turned the water on and dipped my head into it, trying to make the coldness take my heat away. I heard panicked steps and Laura rushed in.

"WHAT HAPPENED NIÑA!" She yelled with her curlers still on her head and with her iron in hand. I looked up at her with a soaked face and she frowned, putting the iron down. "Are you okay?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I think I'm going insane..." I said outloud, still staring at her and she stared at me worriedly and then inspected my shirt, her eyes growing wide. She approached me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Did you use protection?!" She asked and I looked at her with a frown to my face.

"Holy fuck, why would I?" She stared at me and my eyes widened as I looked down on my shirt and back at her. "It's not what you think!" I told her and she let out a sigh and shook her head.

"I was hopeful you did." She said with a smirk to her face and I looked at her, completely baffled by her confession.

"And what about you? Did you use protection?!" I spat back at her, making her blush intensely as she shook her head.

"We had a nice cup of coffee and... exchanged numbers." She said and my jaw dropped. I shook my head, squinting my eyes at her.

"I don't believe shit." I said to her and she widened her eyes at me.

"LANGUAGE!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes at her. "I didn't... yet." She smirked and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. I was disgusted, beyond words, but I was happy she met someone she likes.

"Just... Play it cool please... After what I saw yesterday." She blushed intensely and shook her head.

"It was all the alcohol, I knew I shouldn't have drank that much, but it's been so long since I kissed someone." She said to me and I sighed. She was smiling like a teenage girl and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

"It's fine Nana... Just hard to take in." I said to her and she nodded. She then poked my shoulder.

"Why are you going insane?" She asked me and I looked at her, biting my lip. I blinked as I rubbed my arm.

"I... I think I... I have a little, tiny, minuscule, speck of a crush on Eddie..." I said to her quietly and I knew that she was going to erupt in a yell. I covered my ears as I winced from the loud sound and grabbed my hands after she finished her scream. She was looking at me with excitement in her eyes.

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