86. Broken friendship

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{See below for announcement}

{Noone's POV}

Love is blissful, it's enchanting, but sometimes you have consequences of your actions for trying to reach it.

Y/N felt guilt, in the pit of her stomach. She had told the girls the whole story of Eddie's courtship, and played a wide smile. She was happy, she really was, but the anxious feeling in her belly never stopped. She had to face Billy, she couldn't drag it out, because the longer she did, the more awful she would start feeling.

She didn't know if to tell Eddie or not, and she couldn't quite know why. Maybe it was the guilt of going to see someone she slept with behind her boyfriend, or maybe it was because she was afraid Eddie would not trust her... That thought started prickling in the back of her neck, making her hair stand up.

So at the last bell ring, when they were getting ready to leave, Eddie stopped her with a goofy smile on his face in the parking lot, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"So, love of my life, I was thinking of going home, smoke a joint, maybe practice a little bit on my guitar, and I was wondering if you would be so kind of joining me tonight?" He asked with hopefulness in his voice and she smiled widely at the nickname he gave her. He really wasn't going to stop reminding her about his love for her, wasn't he? But her smile faltered slightly as she rubbed her hands up and down his arms.

"I would love to... I have to take care of something first though." His ears perked up at that and kept the smile on his face as he shrugged.

"I can tag along—"

"Alone Eddie..." She was looking up at him completely serious now, and his brows twitched slightly at her change of aura. He was confused as to why he couldn't go with her.

"Oh, where are you going?" He asked, a feeling in his gut making it turn slightly. She took a deep breath in and let it out before speaking again, nervousness at the tip of her fingers.

"I'm going to see Billy."

And he stood still, processing what she just said. She gripped onto his arms, and his anxiety and possessiveness was already spiraling out of control inside of him. Why does she have to go talk to him? Why is she going alone?

"Eddie... I need to properly reject Billy... He—He has genuine feelings for me." He understood what she was saying, and it was the right thing to do, yes, of course he knew that.

But the gnawing feeling in his gut started bubbling inside of him again.

"I can wait for you outside..." Her eyebrows twitched and she shook her head at him.

"Eddie, I need to do this alone... Please..." And with her eyes, she was silently asking if he was trusting her, because she was feeling as if he wasn't right now. She felt him battle inside of him, one side being the jealous one, the other side was the reasonable one, but she didn't know which side was winning. He gulped, his grip on her waist tightening slightly.

"Will you be long?" He almost choked those words out. He had to trust her. He had to. She wouldn't betray him, she wouldn't do anything like that behind his back. And he remembered Billy's words to him.

'She doesn't want me.'

And that made that insensible bug, himself, flutter away from his stomach, letting him relax slightly in her embrace.

"I don't know, maybe a few minutes, I don't think it will be a particularly long conversation..." She replied to him, noticing how his shoulders lost their tension and he slowly nodded at her. She finally let a sigh out of relief and he noticed she was terrified of telling him about this. God, he had been terrible with her.

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