43. Inside the van

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{Eddie's POV}

I was sweaty, panting, as I walked back towards my dressing room with the boys but that was a really good show tonight. And by good I meant great. And by great I meant excellent. And I was about to tell them why with a wide smile on my face.

"Hey twats." I called them out as they cleaned their sweat with face towels that were in the room, and I grabbed mine as I saw them look at me through their wiping. "Remember that important client I told you about two months ago?" I never forgot about that client. I was always hoping he would call me back or he would show up, because he meant that we had an opportunity to play at a much bigger bar, and oriented to our music.

"Yeah, what about him?" I already saw Gareth's eyes bright up in anticipation as a wide grin started spreading on my face.

"Well, he might have been here tonight, listening to us, and if he liked us he will call us for a show at Shelby." I say to them and I saw all of their faces contort into a surprised one and they looked at eachother with wide smiles, but I had to calm them down because it was just a chance, I don't know if he liked us yet, but I saw him whispering with a colleague of his and he was head banging on our show, so I was guessing that he did. "Celebrate when we get the call boys." I say to them trying to bring them back to earth but I was smiling widely myself. Maybe it was a coincidence that he was here, and I am a very distinctive guy, I know I am hard to miss, so I know he recognized me. We finished cleaning and freshening ourselves, talking about our show and what we thought were our strong and weak points of the night.

"Eddie, you missed a few notes in our third song. What happened there?" Jeff asked me and I could see the smirk in his face. I felt myself blushing slightly as I recalled my distraction. It was a girl that was singing along with a hot pink crop top, a girl that nowadays was driving me crazy, and god, this girl was fucking beautiful.

"I'm human, I make mistakes, I'm not a machine." I glare at him and he snickers raising his hands up in defense. He knew I was watching her. At one point it felt as if she was my only public of the night, and I was her only performer. She was watching me with admiration, with a sparkle in her eyes that told me that she was amused by me and I was intoxicated by her gaze. It was then when I missed my notes.

"Right, right. Well, how about we go with everyone else to have a drink?" Gareth says excitedly but I knew he wanted to go flirt with the women at the bar. I rolled my eyes but I was excited as well, because I get to talk to Y/N. We walked out of the dressing room and out the curtain. A few guys patted our shoulders, complimenting our show as we passed by them. I was ecstatic at the great outcome of our show, and I couldn't help but smile as we reached the table where everyone was seated and I was standing right behind her, knowing she didn't notice my presence.

"Great show guys!" Nancy said happily to us and Y/N turned around, and her face was almost touching my chest, to then look up towards me and we locked eyes. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I felt all of my organs simply drop at her sight. What the fuck is she doing to me. I want to kiss her, right now, in front of everyone, make my claim on her, mark her, and let everyone know that I touched her, that I already tainted her. I smirked down towards her, pushing away my lust as best as I could.

"Did you get smaller?" I joked towards her as I had my neck slouched downwards as I looked at her. I realized she was also in some sort of trance like I was, and that made my hopes go up even more than they were before. If she keeps doing this, I will think she wants me the same way I am wanting her at the moment. She then frowned and hit me on the shoulder, pushing me away from her as she scoffed.

"No, I'm not wearing heels." She said turning around, putting the straw of her drink in her mouth again and then Robin talked, and I saw she had two cans of beer... Robin doesn't handle alcohol that well.

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