88. Rough but with Love

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{Y/N's POV}

I felt like hell.

I spent my night at Eddie's, and the ordeal from last night was enough to get my emotions completely messed up. I am feeling guilty for my own feelings, and it's just not fair. Just when I thought I could be happy once again, I got slapped in the face once more.

And if that weren't enough, I never expected to find Georgia sitting in the couch of my living room, reading through one of her designs.

"Y/N." I heard her call my name and I gulped tightly. I slowly walked into the living room, trying to look nonchalant. "What are those clothes?" I looked down at myself and shrugged.

"They're comfy." I simply stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world and all she could do is grimace in disgust.

"Disgusting. Throw them out." Fuck you. "Where were you last night?" She suddenly asks and even if I expected it to be an act on her part, trying to sound like a worried, caring Mother, but actually not giving a shit... She was actually looking at me, intensely, through her glasses. I felt a cold sweat invade me, and slightly gulped. She was onto me, definitely, more than usual.

"I spent it at Jason's." I lied. I still remember our lie towards her at the party. The lie that helped me escape that fucking place. She nodded once at me but her eyes were still on me. Nervousness was slowly creeping up my spine, completely weirded out.

"You know... Your friend said something to me." Friend? Which friend? "The disgusting long haired man. Edmund? I don't remember his name." I tried to keep my breath from stopping at her words. She was lying she didn't remember his name, because her stare was telling me she definitely knew who she was talking about.


"Right, right... You know what he said to me?" She put her design on the table as she grabbed her Martini off it. It is 11 AM in the morning, but I am no person to judge about that. Wait... Eddie talked to her? When? How?

"When did you talk to him?" I couldn't repress that question. I was completely stunned at this, not having any knowledge of it.

"I ran into him at your school... He said he is your Ex."

My blood went cold.

Why would he do that? What went through his head to say that to her? How could he fuck up so badly like this? Now I understand why her eyes were more observant of me, how she tried to manipulate my every move... And now, I am finally understanding why she is staying more than usual. She was making sure I wasn't dating Eddie again.

"What?" I asked, trying to hide my anger as best as I could, but I was on fire in the inside.

"Is it true? Did you date... that man?" She winced when she called him man, as if he wasn't even worthy of being one. Now, my anger was directed to her. No one belittles Eddie like that... But, I can't go against her right now... I can't.

"It's not. He had a crush on me, probably even fell in love, but I didn't give him the time of day. He probably lied to you to get under your skin, and then under mine." I lied once more, and I honestly wanted to punch myself in the face. I felt disgusting saying these things, but I needed her attention to drift from this topic, lie to her to ease her mind and trust me again.

"I see. He sounded pretty defendant of you." What the fuck did you say Edward?

"Whatever it was, was probably a lie mother." I called her the name I didn't think she deserved, but it always gave her a sense of power towards me. The effect was the one I was looking for as she relaxed her shoulders.

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