26. Giving in to instincts

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{Noone's POV}

She was nervous, beyond words, but she couldn't grasp why at all. Maybe it was because she was covered in all animal print, far from her usual attires, or maybe it was because she was heading towards a sketchy bar, or maybe it was because she was singing along to ABBA with girls she used to make fun of or bully some months back. But perhaps her nervousness was regarding the situation she was now in. Robin made it her goal that Eddie comments on Y/N's outfit. 

She wondered though how long has it been since she laughed this sincerely with someone. She felt as if she was living in a constant fairytale, a dream, a very good amazing dream, and it was all thanks to her failing Biology. If failing a subject would make her meet amazing people in the meantime, she would fail every single one.

"Okay, we're here! I spot Steve, Mike and Dustin!" Max said as she sat next to Y/N in the passenger seat. Y/N immediately pulled over, not being able to fight away they shyness creeping up on her, feeling too conscious of her outfit. Would he dig it? She still loved her pink and frilly outfits, because it made her look feminine. This outfit, made her look... feminine but, sexy feminine. 

She parked her car, next to Steve's and all the girls started coming out of the car, except for Y/N. In her gut, she felt that if she stayed, so many things would change. If she had fun with these people, she would completely change. Was it for the better? Would she become better or worse? Her thoughts were closed up in just one instant, feeling a tap on the shoulder. She turned around to look at Nancy.

"It will be okay... Just breathe. You look great, and we'll have fun." She said to her, reassuring Y/N that tonight is a night she was meant to be at. Y/N nodded and finally stepped out of the car with Nancy and what they first heard was Dustin completely expressing himself.

"Holy fucking mother of god..." He said as he stared at both girls with his widened eyes and mouth completely hung low. Steve looked at his direction and his face was an exact copy. Mike turned around and almost dropped his jacket to the floor as he saw the girls. Y/N looked back and forth, noticing Nancy grow quite shy at the stares and then cleared her throat.

"Too much for your eyes fellas?" She said to them and Robin chuckled at that, earning a glare from Steve. He stuttered as he directed his sight towards the girls again, rubbing the back of his head.

"I just- you both- I mean, it looks nice." He stuttered and Dustin glared at him, wincing in disagreement with his older friend and then back at the girls.

"That's an understatement, you girls look hot, like super-hot, incredibly hot..." He said out loud and Steve rolled his eyes at his 'just hit puberty' friend. Nancy smiled at Dustin and nodded.

"Thank you, we wanted to match the place." She said and Y/N nodded at this. Max and Robin giggled slightly and then Steve cleared his throat.

"Yeah um... We should go inside..." He said and Mike approached his sister, tugging on her arm.

"What are you doing? Wearing that?" He asked kind of protectively and Nancy just rolled her eyes as they all started walking towards the bar. They didn't ask for ID and they just let them stride in. Y/N was confused at how easily the younger ones were able to step in but paid no mind to it. She guessed that this place needed as many clients as it could, but when she looked around it was nicely decorated, with many tables and stools, as well as a small stage at the back of the place that was covered in curtains. She bit her lip, anticipating for Eddie's performance.

Will he be happy she showed? Will he look at her change of style? Would he like it? Dustin guided them to the closest available table there was towards the stage, only 3 tables in front of them with a few people already drinking away. Some rock music was blasting as background noise and Y/N never felt so out of place before. This was not her setting at all, but it was something she always wanted to do, listen to her other self's kind of music live, in a bar, where they didn't ask for IDs, dressing very provocative and out of character. They all sit down and a waiter comes over to take their orders. They all simply ask for a round of beers, and they will keep an eye on the younger ones as they will only drink one can.

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