91. The King has arrived

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{Noone's POV}

Three days.

Eddie was becoming a wreck and slowly breaking as he paced in his living room, back and forth. He had tried to get near her, but her house got locked down, security guards all around, and he received a punch in his gut when he insisted way too much on seeing Y/N.

He felt so hopeless, so powerless. He didn't know where Wayne was either. He left a note to Eddie telling him he'll be back in a few days, but that just made the pressure in his chest worsen. Did his worst fear happen? Did Wayne get fed up by him and his attitude? Maybe Y/N was relieved of not being with him any longer either.

"You're doing it again Eds..." Chrissy says as she sat on the couch of his trailer, looking at him, and he looked at her and looked down at his hand, realizing he was already biting the skin off his finger, blood oozing out slightly. He cursed under his breath and walked towards the sink to wash his hand off. He couldn't concentrate at school, and he even had an exam the day before but gladly it was an easy test on Home Economics.

"She's leaving... She's fucking leaving in the matter of days, and I can't see her Chris. I don't know how I will manage this..." He says with tremble in his voice as he reached to get his cigarettes, putting one in his mouth and lightening it up with a match. Chrissy's leg was bouncing up and down nervously as she stared at the floor.

They have been trying to come up with ideas to get her out, but nothing was working. They tried to make a fake call from school to get her out of the house, but Georgia did not buy it at all. They tried sneaking in, and Robin even flashed her tits at a bouncer to distract him and he didn't even flinch.

But Eddie... Eddie was another issue at hand. The boy wanted to go and burn the house down, kill everyone in his path just in order to get Y/N back. Chrissy was now at his trailer because she was keeping eye on him, afraid Georgia would finally call the cops on him.

"I know Eddie, we tried everything! I don't know if there's a way out of this for her..." Chrissy softly says to him and he shook his head again, punching the counter with his fist, groaning through his teeth as fury seeped through his skin. Eddie took a couple of hits of his cigarette to try to calm down, but his hands were shaking on him.

"I could manage a few years of jail; I can do that if it meant I get to be with her later on!" Chrissy sighed as she looked at him, fully seeing how Eddie was feeling right now. Her eyes watered and she shook her head at him.

"And she prefers to do as her mother told her to do than let you screw up your future opportunities... Jail time is not good for your record Eddie! Getting a job, that actually pays well with that, is almost impossible." Chrissy explained and Eddie groaned, kicking the counter with his foot, letting out a shaky breath as he ran his free hand through his hair.

He didn't want to lose her, and she didn't deserve what was happening to her right now. Life was not being fair to any of them, not even for Laura, for Wayne, for their friends. It wasn't okay, none of it, and Eddie was losing his mind because he simply couldn't do anything about it.

A honk was heard outside, many honks actually, almost as if desperate, and Eddie raised his head to look at Chrissy who had a confused look on her face. She got up from the couch and Eddie stopped her so he could be the one to answer the door. He grabbed the bat that sat next to the front door and jerked the door open.

"Edward, GET IN!" Wayne yelled from the driver's seat of his car and Laura was motioning Eddie to get inside the car and he had a feeling that something was going to happen right now. He looked at Chrissy, completely wide eyed, throwing the cigarette to the floor as well as the bat.

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