56. Back to Square one

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{Noone's POV}

Eddie Munson and Jason Carver were sitting right next to eachother at the visitor area at the hospital. Jason was given some ice for his cheek, and they were waiting for the procedure on Y/N to be over with. Everyone else went to the cafeteria to get some drinks, and Laura was called by Eddie, who was speeding towards the hospital at this very second. The boy had to console her through phone many times, telling her that she was going to be okay, but Laura just kept blaming herself. Eddie was pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to keep his composure.

"Want anything to drink?" Jason asked Eddie, and the dark haired boy just sent him a glare.

"I should hand you to the fucking police." At this Jason slumped on his chair, sighing. Silence engulfed the two guys in the visitor area as beepings and callings were made. The blonde haired boy broke silence once again.

"Remember... when we were kids?" He asked, taking Eddie aback. Why would he remember that? "I was six, or seven, and you were nine..." Eddie's anger was still very intact in his veins, making his heart beat faster, but something in his gut was telling him to listen to the guy next to him, so he nodded slowly.

"Yes. I went to your house a couple of times." Eddie remarked and Jason nodded, staring into nothingness.

"Yeah... You remember why you came over?" Eddie immediately closed his mouth and let him continue because he did know why he went there. "My mother was a very... cheerful woman... I was supposed to have a little sister you know? We were so excited, because my mom was seven months pregnant of her..." Jason's eyes glistened as he gulped, swallowing the lump down from his throat. Eddie just listened to him, feeling his heart slow its rhythm. "But, right on the seventh month mark, my mom went into labor way too early... resulting in a miscarriage." Eddie gulped and stared down at the floor.

"I'm sorry." Eddie said because he knew what was coming next. Jason shook his head and continued talking.

"My mother's mental health declined. The pain killers didn't work anymore, so... she went for harder drugs. Much harder. Any she could get her hands on... So she contacted your father." Eddie felt his own eyes burn, from sadness, from angst, from anger against his own father but Jason kept talking, still staring into nothing as tears were threatening to leave his eyes. "And you came by, very often while your father sold to my mother." He chuckled as he looked at Eddie. "Remember that one time you fell into my pool and I jumped right in with you so we would be in trouble together?" Eddie chuckled just slightly as he remembered the sequence of events.

"Yeah, I remember." Jason nodded as he looked down towards the ground again, gulping heavily as his smile fell.

"I begged your father one night to stop selling to her. Even at seven years old I knew that my mom wasn't my mom anymore. I knew she was gone, but if he just would stop selling the drug to her, then... It would help..." Eddie saw how Jason wiped one tear away from his face and Eddie felt guilt built inside of him, as well as sadness. "He shoved me away, and sold heroin to her anyway... My mom died of an overdose the next day." And both boys went into complete silence.

Eddie directed his sight towards the floor, and the puzzle was slowly putting itself together. He took something precious from Eddie, because Eddie's father took something precious from Jason. It was all because of resentfulness, something that Eddie had no control over because he was a little kid, but he also now understood, just a little, Jason's point of view of things.

"I'm... Sorry Carver... For what my old man did..." Jason sniffled as he looked up at the ceiling, putting down the ice on his lap as he covered his eyes with his other arm. Eddie's eyebrows frowned with pity at the blonde boy before him and he rested against the back rest of the waiting chair, relaxing his posture.

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