64. Super Senior for a reason

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{Noone's POV}

"Fucking son of a BITCH!" Y/N yelled loudly as her car did not start this Wednesday morning. It's not that it did not bother to start, she fucked it up accidentally.

Yesterday, when she returned home, instead of crying and making a big deal out of it without knowing the entire truth, she decided it would be distracting for her to mess around with her car. It seems she forgot Billy's advice on not doing stuff like that while being in another state of mind, because she mixed the cables of ignition with eachother, causing it to actually explode. She tried fixing it, but to no avail. Billy was going to kill her, and sure enough, he wanted to when she called him at 11 PM, begging him to go take a look at her car.


Her doorbell rang and she was already there to open it. Billy was giving his back to her and threw the cigarette to the floor, stepping on it. He turned around to face the girl and he was stunned at the unusual get up, making his angered frown turn into a confused one.

"What's with that?" She sighed and guided him in, closing the door behind him. He took the chance she was not looking at him to actually scan her, finding that the new clothes did not look bad on her at all. Realizing he was staring more than he should, he cleared his throat and stared forward, hearing someone in the kitchen.

"I went to the hideout, followed your stupid advice." She replied sharply and was about to head towards her garage door, and before Billy could reply someone else interrupted them, making Y/N curse under her breath.

"Oh, who's this?" Laura asked as she came into the reception to greet the visitor. She was stunned by the manliness the boy exuded from his body. Sharp blue eyes, mullet light hair, nicely trimmed stache and beard. She was captivated by him, as all women in Hawkins were everytime they met Billy Hargrove. He shot a grin her way and she almost sighed at the sight.

"Hello Miss, I'm Billy." Laura's eyes widened with a smile on her face as she got closer to the boy, Y/N wincing in embarrassment at the interaction. Billy was nothing like Eddie, he wasn't charismatic, or excentric, so she was afraid of how the greetings would go.

"Billy! You're the one that's teaching Y/N about mechanics! Did she give you the empanadas I cooked?" She asked him, hopeful that he had indeed tried them. Y/N never mentioned how good looking Billy was, so now Laura was completely dazzled by him.

"Oh! You're Y/N's Nana. Laura, right sweetheart?" Y/N flinched at the nickname. Even if Billy was nothing like Eddie, she couldn't help but notice certain similarities. The way of dressing, the nicknames, the slight liking in music, the style... She shook her head as she heard Laura chuckle and blush at the nickname he called her.

"Yes, that's me. Did you like them?" Billy was stunned by the warmth the lady in front of him was pouring out on him. He never met anyone that he would describe as a walking sunshine, and now, he certainly did, just by the few seconds of knowing her. He didn't want to fake the flirtatious Billy Hargrove to get her to like him, but it was coming out completely natural, surprising him.

"I loved them, never had them before, and with a beer they go amazingly well." He replied to her, shooting a genuine smile towards her way, and Y/N frowned in confusion at how easy going he was right now, but it also kind of warmed her heart despite her nerves being all over the place from the night's events. She shook her head and interrupted them.

"Excuse me, Nana, I called him because I got a situation with my car." Laura nodded and looked at the boy who shot her another smile. Y/N's eyes widened when Laura reached and immediately pinched his cheek, making Billy's eyes widen slightly in surprise.

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