81. The Jester's Misery

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{Noone's POV}

Never in his life Eddie Munson had arrived so early in the day at school, waiting impatiently inside his van for the teachers to appear. He was tapping onto the steering wheel, trying to keep his nervousness at bay.

And one by one the teachers showed up, and he knew Mrs O'Donnell didn't have classes today, he was hopeful still, but after many minutes, there was a no show, getting him to grunt loudly against his steering wheel.

He walked out of his van, getting a smoke out of his jacket as now the students started coming in, some surprised to see him that early in the parking lot. Mrs. Laker suddenly appeared and Eddie didn't even light up the cigarette that he was already rushing towards his professor.

"Hello Mrs. Laker... How you do?" He tried to greet her as calmly as possible and she turned around with a confused look on her face, that turned into amusement.

"Munson? So early?" She chuckled as she looked up at him, and he smiled down at her, gulping heavily as he played with the nicotine stick in his hand.

"Yes, um... I actually wanted to see Mrs. O'Donnell. Is she coming in today by any chance at all?" He asked her and she simply shook her head at him and he sighed heavily, cursing in his mind as nervousness picked up once again.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked and he gulped, looking at her.

"Do you um... Is there a chance to have her home address? It's something very important." He asked, wincing at how impolite that was to ask for, but he was desperate at this point.

"Mr. Munson, we cannot give personal details to our students no matter how important it is. Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"It's seriously important, I need her help to do this, please..." He begged once more and she saw the desperate sparkle in the man's eyes, surprising her to the core.

"No Mr. Munson, final answer." She turned to go through the doors and Eddie sighed, looking towards the floor. She talked over her shoulder to him, and only for him. "And don't go asking Mr. Henderson about it." And she left him alone.

He stood there, wide eyed towards the floor, a wide grin splitting in his lips as he barged into the school's doors. He rushed towards Dustin's locker and waited as students flocked inside the building. He was tapping his foot impatiently, looking at his wrist watch every now and then until he finally saw a distinctive The Flash Cap walking towards him.

Dustin frowned as he saw Eddie just waiting for him at his locker and once he arrived he smiled widely at his senior.

"Hi Eds. What's up?"

"Henderson, I need a favor." At this Dustin blinked and just stared up at Eddie for a second.

"Um, alright? Unless it's something super bad, I don't want anything to do with it." The younger one replies, earning an impatient groan from Eddie.

"I need Mrs. O'Donnell's address." He asks of Dustin and all he received was a confused frown in return, but then the younger one sighed, shaking his head.

"Eddie, you already gave your assignment in, you can't just go and ask for it again to fix it. I told you to let me have it to proofread it!" He whined and Eddie rubbed his face as he started getting annoyed at the situation and he shook his head.

"Henderson, it has nothing to do with the actual grade, I could care shit about the grade, I just need it back."

"How could you care shit; this is your chance to graduate!" And Eddie grabbed Dustin's collar, pulling him close to his face with a threatening look in his eyes.

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