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Y/N was struggling on her tippy toes, trying to get a spare part that was in a top cabinet. She sighed heavily, looking around for a stool and she spotted one right next to Randy's spot. She walked over to it and held onto it as the man worked below a Panther, and she rushed back towards the cabinet, putting the stool at front.

The LA heat was not doing favors to her, even if the shop had air conditioning and all, she just felt suffocated. She put a foot on the stool and raised herself up, happily reaching the cabinets and opening them.

"Y/N!!!" A loud yell startled all of the workers there, as well as Y/N, making her flinch wildly. She winced at the voice calling her out as well as loud boot steps walking angrily towards her. Before she could move, two hands wrapped around her waist, lifting her up with no trouble and putting her down onto the floor. Y/N didn't want to look at his face, knowing he was definitely mad at her.

"I had to get the spare part—"

"You could have fallen!" She slowly looked up to clash onto light blue irises, scolding her with a menacing glare. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You don't have to be my fucking shadow all the time Hargrove." She says as she looked up at the cabinet again, and cursing when she realized she didn't get the spare part she needed. Billy had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked down angrily at her.

"It's in our contract, remember? I am your associate, but also your shadow. Now more than ever." He turned around and grabbed onto the spare part she was looking for and he shook his head at her as she tried to take it away from his hands. She groaned loudly. She wasn't allowed to do anything at all nowadays, and it's not that she lost a fucking limb.

"I am the bigger boss." She tries to correct him and he rolled his eyes at her, walking towards the Bugatti whose owner is none other than Tupac. The entire wide garage is filled with decorations as well as pictures of all the famous people that visited and got their cars fixed or tuned up by Y/N and Billy. Billy was more on the mechanical side of things, while Y/N was going for the aesthetic and the pimping up of the outside and inside of the car. She was in charge of the painting designs from outside as well as the decorations and upgrades on the inside.

She made her dream come true. College was a hustle because she was one of the few females in a mechanical school, but she could handle the bullying, and that's because she once was the bully in her life. Arizona was a very hot state in the summer, so when classes were over she would fly all the way to Indiana to visit her friends and family, getting away from the extreme heat.

After 3 years, she finally graduated, and as her dad promised her, he invested on her Auto Custom and repair shop, and as soon as she got the offer from her father, she contacted Billy. She just showed up, after so many years without contact, and offered him to become an associate and open the shop together. He didn't doubt it, not for a second. After a year's worth of work, she finally managed to give back the money her father invested, even if he refused, but she felt it right to do.

The decision to open up in LA was because of her ambitious dream of becoming a shop that all famous people talk about and recommend, and that's exactly what happened. Everyone wants to get their car tuned up at their shop called 'Zeppelin'. It was wild when the band Led Zeppelin came to get their tour van filled with integrated coolers for the trip. Their picture was right next to the sign of the shop's name.

"No you're not. We're equals here, you and I." Billy retorted to her childish remark and she scoffed.

"At least let me fix it myself." She whined as she crossed her arms over her chest and he simply shook his head at her, grabbing the big wrench.

Make me Better ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now