48. New Years Eve

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{Eddie's POV}

It's been a week, and New years is tonight. Nancy had planned a party at her home with the younger ones and all. Lately she was kind of depressed because Jonathan left without notice before the holidays. I honestly think that was a coward move. I don't buy the 'I'm doing extra credit' for college bullshit, they aren't even going to the same one anyways. 

The only Byers that stayed was Will. It was great because he was always available to play DnD and the fucker was extremely good at it. Snow fell down through the night, so all the streets were white and the sun was making the snow glimmer. It was cold, but with the sun hitting, the temperature was tolerable. I walked out of my van, already parked in the corner of the street as I started walking towards my destination. 

I slipped slightly, making me lose balance for a second as my eyes widened, my heart almost stopping as I felt my life flash through my eyes.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I said outloud. My sneakers are no good in winter, but I just didn't feel like putting my boots on today. I finally arrived at the front door, and rang the doorbell once before walking inside the home, feeling the warmth of the fireplace hit me straight to my body, making me groan in pleasure.

"Eddie!" Laura came out of the kitchen with a few specks of flour on her face as she reached towards me to greet me with a kiss on the cheek. I held her arms sweetly as she greeted me, smiling widely at her.

"Hi Laura, you cooking for tonight?" I ask her and she nods as she smiles up at me.

"Yes, with a little help that is." She says and my heart skips a beat at that, but I suddenly felt my cheeks being pinched. "Those dimples!"

"NANA!" I heard a yell and I looked behind Laura as she let go of me. Y/N was in a ponytail, some jeans, a normal white shirt and an apron on her, with flour stains and what seems like sauce. God, she looks fucking beautiful. "Don't pinch him!"

"I just can't help it dear." Laura giggled and stepped away from me as Y/N approached me with a smile on her face. My stomach did a turn as she stepped towards me, and I still got nervous whenever we greeted eachother. God I sound like a high school girl.

"Hey. I would hug you but I am covered in flour." At that Laura jumped up with widened eyes, making our heads snap at her.

"MY EMPANADAS!" She yelled and rushed towards the kitchen again. I looked down at Y/N and she was already staring at me, making me smile softly at her. I bent down, leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips to greet her. She returned the kiss, putting a hand on my waist as I rested one on her back to pull her close to me. 

We are still secret to Laura, Wayne and friends. We just don't know when we will tell everyone that were are seeing eachother. Dating. A couple. It sounds so fucking weird. I am dating Y/N. I often stare at my ceiling wondering when did all of this begun, when did my feelings change so badly for her that I now don't seem to want to be far from her.

She pulled away as she looked at me, smiling widely. I really can't live without her anymore, can't I?

"Hi." She says to me and I smile at her because we just look so dumb right now. We're looking at eachother and just smiling at one another, not that I am complaining, I could stare at her forever if you ask me.

"Hi. You need any help in there?" At that she pulled away, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You? Help me?" She asks and it was my turn to cross my arms over my own chest this time, mimicking her. She was never going to let go that one time I tried helping.

"Yes, I can help!"

"Eddie, you burnt eggs. Hard boiled eggs." I rolled my eyes at this, but it did sound fucking stupid if someone heard it. I smirked as I remembered what lead to me letting the water completely steam away, making the eggs burn against the pot.

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