30. The tongue thing

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{Noone's POV}

Y/N was softly tapping her foot against the soft carpet of Nancy's Wheeler's room. In her hand, was a bottle of Whiskey, again a Black Label Johnny Walker. She felt she needed to take something to Steve's birthday, and she was nervous about this party she was going to. She always pretended to have fun with her teammates, talking about nonsense, and pretending they were invincible as they drank liters and liters of alcohol. 

This, might not be the case. She didn't know how these people were at parties, except for Steve, but after his break up with Nancy he changed... for the better, and she now was realizing that. Steve was her before he graduated. Pretending to be friends with people he cared shit about, just to keep up with his popular status. Y/N sighed and turned around to look at the clock next to Nancy's table.

"C'mon Nance! We're already late! And I have to pick up someone on our way over!" She yelled for her and Nancy came out of her bathroom, panting nervously.

"Is this okay?" She asked as she pointed at the volume of her hair, which was way too much. Y/N shook her head and walked over to her and started combing it down a bit with her fingers. Nancy was wearing a long sleeve stripped shirt with some black denim jeans and Y/N was wearing a nice long sleeved silky white blouse, with some buttons in the middle and tight wrists making the arm parts slightly puffy, and a tight black skirt.

"Why are you so nervous?" She asked Nancy and she shook her head at her, not wanting to answer, but Y/N knew what it was. "Okay, now it does look better." Nancy looked at her mirror and smiled at her simple make up look, as well as Y/N's.

"Okay... we good. Who do you have to pick up?" She asked and Y/N smirked.

"Oh you'll see." She replied to Nancy, and they grabbed their bags and drinks and walked downstairs only to see an exasperated Mike Wheeler tapping his foot.

"How long do you take to get ready?!" He yelled and Y/N tipped his cap over with her index finger, making it fall.

"Don't stress Wheeler. We're already here." She said, earning a giggle from Nancy as they walked out into the front of the house. Mike groaned and walked out after putting his cap on once again.

"You took way too long!" He yelled and both girls rolled their eyes as they got into Y/N's car. They would get a ride home from Robin after the party, hopefully she doesn't get too drunk for it. Y/N started the car and started driving towards her next destination.

"Who we picking up?" Mike asked and Y/N smiled as she kept driving without uttering a single word. Mike's eyes widened as the street started looking familiar, and he gulped once Lucas' house came into vision. She stopped the car and honked multiple times. Lucas ran out of the house, raising his hands up as he had a frown in his face. He entered in the backseat and he was pissed, fuming.

"Seriously?! How long do you take to get ready?!" He yelled as he buckled in the car and Mike then proceeded to yell as well.

"I asked the same thing!" He wanted to sound not nervous around his friend, but he was. It's been a while since they last talked, and he was surprised to see Lucas here.

"Oh, shut up the both of you!" Y/N yelled and began driving to Steve's house, with only the music coming in from the radio. Suddenly Mike talked to Lucas.

"Um... We got a new expansion for DnD. Eddie got it for us..." He began saying and Lucas looked at him. He then gave him a gentle smile and nodded.

"Really? About what?" And the two girls at front now wanted to kill themselves as they heard them go on and on about this game. Nancy understood just the basic idea of it, but Y/N was completely lost. What the hell was a bard? And why does he heal everyone? And who the fuck is Vecna? Once they finally arrived Nancy and the rest unbuckled themselves. Y/N put a hand on Nancy's arm gently, catching her attention.

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