83. The morning after

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{Y/N's POV}

I groaned in my sleep, a strong heat engulfing me from head to toe. Why are blankets on top of me? I can barely fucking breath. I sighed out to get air in my lungs until I realized I was pressed against something, which didn't let me get much air. Cigarettes? Weed? Bitter cologne... My eyes shot open, the flashes from yesterday coming back to me, and I then heard him.

A soft breath over my head.

I slowly pulled away, my heart in my mouth and I looked up, seeing Eddie's face, sleeping soundly with his lips slightly parted. I blinked, wondering if I was dreaming, or this was real, and then I felt him grip me tighter into him, mumbling something in his sleep. A smile spread on my lips as I fell back into a deep slumber, snuggled up to him. If it was a dream, I might as well enjoy this.

I opened my eyes once again, and it felt like only 20 minutes passed, but it seems hours did, because morning light was shining in between the blinds. The pressure was no longer with me, as well as the heat. I frowned as I patted the bed around me, and...

A sweat invaded me. Memories flashing back in my mind. I've been here before.

I started smelling the eggs, once again, and fear was invading my whole body. What if he pushed me away again? What if he were intoxicated yesterday night and I didn't realize it? Oh god... Was I manipulated into this again?

I slowly got up from the bed, legs trembling as the long black baggy Slayer shirt hang over my body, my underwear below. We didn't do anything last night but kiss, not even that intensely... Shit, I don't want to go out there... I looked at myself in Eddie's small mirror in his closet and I took a deep breath in, fixing the make up under my eyes, and I put my hair up in a messy bun. My hair was just full of glitter and stuff because of the party from yesterday night.

My gut twisted as I opened the door, the smell of food being even more intense. I slowly walked towards the kitchen, and then in his glory, was Eddie Munson, shirtless... with black sweatpants on as he scrambled some eggs. This was just like that time...

He finally seems to catch my presence as I just stood there, completely frozen with a frown to my face. He took a deep breath in, and it felt as if the world was just standing still. It seems he noticed my indecisiveness because he put the pan away from the fire, and turned to face me, a breath being stuck in my throat. He took a few steps forward, standing over me, and I just looked up at him, my eyes looking for that love I saw yesterday.

And it was there.

My muscles relaxed, and as soon as he saw my shoulders lose their tension, I saw him smile gently my way, his hand cupping my cheek and I leaned against him, letting a sigh out of relief.

"Morning love." I smiled towards him, my hand slowly rising up, scared of moving too quickly and make me jerk awake from this dream.

"Is this real?" I asked without even noticing I did, and I saw a small tug on his lips.

"Yeah... Last time we were in this situation, it ended up... differently." I felt my heart tug at the memory and he winced as if realizing it was not something he had to remind me of. For some reason, I still felt doubt in the pit of my stomach, not leaning in to kiss him just yet, but those thoughts were cut short when he leaned down himself and pressed his lips against mine, making me sigh of relief, wrapping my arms around him, not being able to contain myself. He is real, he is kissing me, he is greeting me good morning...

And he is not pulling away from me, but in fact, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer into his body.

My heart leaped, jumped, moved all around and I was just so happy right now, feeling the burn in my eyes happen again, but I kept on kissing him, fervently, not wanting to break up with the contact, and his grip tightened around me. His chest was flushed against me, and the kiss became hungrier, and I felt desperate. I needed him.

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