17. Change of Style

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{Noone's POV}

It was Friday night. Everyone in high school was invited to the bonfire senior night, it was sort of like a made up school ceremony. The principal and teachers have a two hour, no formality, chat with all of the students, and after the two hour mark, they leave and the students are left alone in the party with some chaperones. Y/N was wearing a pink slim dress at the top with some frail at the bottom, topping it with a jean jacket and some black boots. She was batting her hair, and she had already put on some make up on her face, some purple eyeshadow, with some black eyeliner. She scrunched her face on the mirror as she looked at herself. She looked too preppy and something about it did not suit her. She didn't look bad at all, but it was just that she felt uncomfortable for some reason. 

She looked at her eyeshadow palette and rubbed her finger on the black eyeshadow, putting it on her right lid, smoothing it out over the purple one, completely covering the color. She blinked and smiled and then copied it with the other eye. She then took her jean jacket off and rushed towards her closet, getting her black leather jacket out. She threw it on and she looked at herself in the mirror. Now that's more like it. It was pretty but sexy, and she felt comfortable in black clothes. It was a new style that's for sure, but she felt more in her own body like this. The pink dress was still nicely suited on her body, but the contrast was daring and she liked it. She puckered her lips and put on a simple bright pink color with some gloss. She felt hot. Definitely. Suddenly Laura walked in and was completely stunned at the sudden change of style.

"Mi amor! That looks so good on you!" She yelled as she approached her with her hands on her chest. Y/N blushed at this and twirled around and then Laura chuckled with a smirk. "Are you trying to get someone's attention?" And at that Y/N frowned in confusion but before she could ask anything, Laura waved around trying to dismiss her question. "Nevermind, I came here tooo..." she dragged out and she took out a camera out of her pockets and Y/N giggled trying to get away from her shots.

"No! I don't need pictures!" She yelled and Laura took pictures anyways with a smile on her face. She was proud of her girl, and she felt as if her attitude had changed the past month. She knew who might have been the cause of it, but she remained silent about the matter, letting them unfold by themselves.

"Yes you do!" She smiled and put the camera on top of Y/N's desk with a timer on, facing her way. Y/N had bought her this new camera with timer thingy, and she was getting the hang of it every picture she took. She pressed click and rushed next to Y/N, waiting for the flash to go off. Y/N laughed and wrapped her arms around her Nana, and the flash went off, blinding them completely.


Jason was preparing the barbeque with his teammates and with the Principal. He was mad that he had agreed the Eddie Munson's band played that night, but they couldn't show their true colors towards the authority that could decide on their futures.

"Holy fucking damn..." Patrick said almost dropping the meat onto the floor and everyone followed his gaze. Jason turned and his eyes widened as well as everyone else's. Y/N had entered with a look that made everyone's head turn if she walked next to them. Black suited her even more than bright colors, but she kept her distinctive pink dress on, which made it even more stunning. She looked around, feeling everyone's stares and smirks and she spotted the basketball team. She smiled and walked towards them.

"Hi guys. I don't see any of the girls here yet!" She said and Patrick nodded, gulping heavily as he looked down at her cleavage.

"Yeah, they should be arriving now... Damn, you look hot Y/N." He commented and she smiled, twirling around.

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