65. Explanations

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{Eddie's POV}

"What the actual shit?" I blurted out, my heart beating a mile per second if that is possible, feeling my whole body burn in anger, in sadness, in jealousy, nervousness. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and my neck snapped towards the person. Someone better not fucking talk to me right now, because I might kill somebody.

"Eddie, he said she's a coworker." Jeff tried to calm me down and I smiled sarcastically towards him, shaking my head, the dark thoughts rumbling in my head.

"Did you see the fucking grin in the fucker's face?" I spat angrily.

"HEY!" I turned around, glaring at the person that called me out, only to see Maxine glaring back at me with her arms crossed over her chest. "That's my brother, and he always has that smug grin on his face, nothing personal Munson." She defended her brother, I knew that, I respected that, but the asshole just sped off with my ex on his side, wearing her goddamn cheerleading outfit.

"To be honest, Red, I don't give a flying fuck." Everyone noticed my nerves, and I just needed to punch something, someone, anything at all. Dustin then tried to talk, probably to calm me down and I closed my eyes as I breathed heavily through my nose.

"Eddie, you might be exaggerating... Just, let her explain herself to you." At that Chrissy scoffed, making me glare towards her way and she had her eyebrows raised up at me with disapproval on her face.

"Why would she? I mean, as Eddie said before... They're just friends." Oh, this bitch... I am not dealing to this fucking cunt anymore. Using my own words against me? Gotta give it to her, she has guts. Red then talked again and my stomach dropped to the floor at her following words.

"I mean... He never lets anyone drive his Camaro. Ever." So that made Y/N special. Jesus fucking Christ. I saw Gareth ducking away as I slammed my fist against the side of my van, denting it just slightly. My knuckles were red in pain but I didn't care. What the fuck? What the actual fuck? For how long have they been seeing eachother? Days? Weeks? Months?

"Eddie, calm down... We didn't know anything either." Nancy interjects and I turn to look at her with a frown in my face, and I noticed she had her gaze towards the floor. I sighed and I shook my head, pulling out my pack of cigarettes out of my back pocket and lighting a stick in between my lips. Gareth cleared his throat and it made me glare back up at his stupid face.

"Talk to her Eddie... Don't let pride decide for you." I gulped and I looked down at the floor. Something was happening inside of me, something that I didn't consider before because I am just that stupid.

Someone could take her away from me.


{Y/N's POV}

I was mad. Pissed. But Hargrove was fucking right, and I hated that he was.


"Can you stop screaming for a second in my car?" Billy yelled at me as I drove towards the auto repair shop but my nerves were all over the place. I wanted to kill him, how dare he do something like this? The girls didn't know about my part time job kind of thing, and I have a history of breaking their trust and this shit wasn't helping.

"I asked one thing of you! Did you see his fucking face!?" I hurt everytime I remembered that pained frown, as well as anger. He probably thinks I'm fucking Billy, there is no other way to see it. I lost the last bit of trust he had in me and I felt my eyes burning at the thought.

"Okay, calm down. Let me explain at least... And be careful with my fucking car." I glared at him for a second before he rolled his eyes under his sunglasses. I knew he fucking did by the move of his head. "With this now Munson has the fear that you might actually move on." I frowned at his way of thinking and shook my head angrily as I looked at the road.

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