9. Her secret is out

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{Y/N's POV}

The dreaded day came. It was Thursday, and today I was gonna go to Munson's home. I packed wipes and body sprays in case the place smells horrible, but I have to remind myself to be as polite as possible. I walked into the Gym's changing rooms and I changed into my cheerleading outfit. I have to focus, I need to practice because an important match is coming up next week and I have to be on my best form. I have to try to not make any kind of mistakes, but I honestly worried for Chrissy. 

She didn't look okay, and I could see she lost many more pounds since the start of the school year. I didn't want her to practice, but she was crucial for the routine. I put my hair up in a pony tail, looking at myself in the mirror and once I was satisfied with my look I closed my locker and walked outside and into the gym itself, already seeing everyone stretching. I approached the team and started doing some stretches myself as I began talking.

"Okay, we will practice the bridge of the song and the climax of it. It's the part we always have trouble with, either a wobble, or a misstep, or just bumping into eachother. I understand that it's a very active song choice, and the amount of moves I threw in there are quite excessive, but, if we are lucky, we can get chosen to compete in the cheerleading tournament on February of next year." At that, I heard cheering going on which made me smile in victory. I looked at Chrissy who looked completely pale, I frowned and sighed, finishing my stretches and clapped to begin our choreography. I ran towards the boombox and I pressed play to it, 'I Ran so Far Away' by A flock of Seagulls started playing and we all got into our positions, waiting to practice that part of the song that I was mentioning before. I took a deep breath in and I finally yelled.

"FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!" And we all began our synchronized moves. The boys that were practicing basketball stopped to look at us and cheer us on as we did our sets of jumps and throws with eachother, and out of the corner of my eye I could see something going on. Chrissy jumped and her legs gave in, making her fall completely onto the ground. "STOP! CHRISSY!" I yelled and I saw Janet rushing to put stop to the boombox. I rushed towards Chrissy, and I kneeled next to her, pushing her onto her back to check if she was breathing. I could see her eyes trying to focus on us and I shook my head. "Take her to the infirmary, please... Chrissy what did you do." I managed to say and I saw Jason rushing towards us and lifting Chrissy up in a hurry. I saw his worried eyes towards her and I felt a sting in my heart. It wasn't jealousy only, it was pain. It hurt me he looked at her like that, and whenever I got hurt I didn't get that kind of treatment. I frowned as everyone started chattering and I heard Janet talking.

"I bet it's because of all the vomiting she's doing. I mean, she needs it, but still, if she is going to do that, at least be nice to the rest of us and quit the cheerleading squad." And just like that, in a rage, I stood up and slapped her right across the face. How dare she? Chrissy was going through something horrible, and they dare say she needs it? I saw Janet look at me with fury in her eyes. "What the hell!?"

"Don't you dare talk about Chrissy that way!" I said to her and I don't even know where that came from. I never defended anyone in my life, but I felt really bad for Chrissy, even though I was jealous of her and hated the fact she was close with Jason. Janet laughed sarcastically at me and shook her head, holding her cheek.

"Really? Now you act like a friend to her? I remember you saying how you hated her guts and all, and then you rubbed in her face you kissed Jason? Really Y/N?" She said to me and I furrowed my eyebrows at her not knowing what to answer her, because everything was true. I shook my head and stood my ground.

"But even I know to not take it that far with someone else's health problems." And at that she just stared at me. I could be whatever you wanted to call me, but I would never mess with someone's mental problems just to make them even worse. "We all have to help Chrissy through it. It can be by talking to her, or just not mentioning it at all." They all nodded at me and I waited for Janet's response. "Understood?" I spoke through my teeth and she quickly nodded at me. "Practice is over for today." I shook my head and I went into the changing rooms once more. Once I finally changed back into my normal clothes, I didn't think that Jason was going to be waiting for me outside, taking me by surpsrise. "Jason!" I exclaimed as I held my chest after the scare and the sudden nervousness that took over my body. He looked at me and smiled warmly, making my knees wobble.

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