39. Forgetting her first time

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{Noone's POV}

Eddie's eyes darkened at the plead. He had the most popular girl in Hawkins High School, sitting on his lap, kissing him, wanting him to latch his lips to her neck and now she just told him she wants him. Not even in his wildest dreams he imagined he would be in this situation, or at least not with her. 

This is the line they would cross and that there was no going back from. The blood started pumping all over his body, and it started making the bulge in his pants grow urgently against her. He had to do this right, he had to engrave himself on her, he had to erase Jason Carver from her mind, because that was no man. 

He smirked slightly, pulling her into a wild kiss, sloppy, urgent, and she returned it in the same manner. This is their secret, no one else knew, except for Jeff and Steve, but no one that would potentially use this secret for their benefit. He wondered what her team mates would say about her fucking the freak of the school, the person they bully the most even, merciless. He wondered what would happen, what Carver's face would be like if he knew. 

He couldn't help but grin into the kiss, remembering how obsessed she was with the blonde blue eyed boy, and now she was kissing him, a Metal, Long black haired, brown eyed man. That's the difference between Carver and Eddie, the experience, a boy and a man. 

She was kissing him, following the movements of his lips and she then decided to take it further, changing positions. She pulled away from the kiss, to put one knee on each side of his hip, straddling his lap, catching him completely by surprise. Last time, this position of them was accidental, now it was fully consensual, and she was the one initiating it. He smirked up at her as he laid his head back into the couch, examining her face.

"Eager, aren't we darling?" He teased her and she glared at him slightly, not wanting her pride to be tampered with, so she rubbed herself on his bulge, holding in her own moan as he threw his head back, his hands going directly towards her ass, moving her hips so that she kept rubbing herself on him, making a smirk form on her lips as she heard a soft 'fuck' escape his lips.

"Eager, aren't we honey?" She teased back at him and he looked at her, almost surprised by how quick she was with her comeback, her hips still rolling against his, making the friction even more unbearable for the both of them. He cursed under his breath as he looked down at their bodies and his desire grew as the belly button peaked slightly as she moved in between the waist line of her shorts and the end of her blouse. 

He always figured she had a goddess body thanks to cheerleading, but he will be able to witness it, and he doesn't know if he was going to be able to last long. He had to focus on making a mark on her, that was his objective tonight. Whatever happens after this, it is the future to decide, and hopefully this wasn't a one-time thing. They hoped that their hunger for eachother would not satiate with just this one night, but they also wished it did, because they were scared of what could happen between them if this went on many more times.

"Now, you're not playing fair." He says to her, in a sort of stern voice, making her body shiver slightly. She felt as if she was going to be punished by him if she kept teasing him or pushing his buttons, and for some reason she was excited for it. She wanted to be punished by him, in whatever way he wanted. 

She was definitely not the same person from a month ago, at all. She would feel embarrassed for doing this, she would feel embarrassed knowing that the person she is rubbing herself on, already saw and even tasted her completely. But with Eddie, she just wanted to show it all to him, not because she was confident in her body, even she had her own insecurities, but she just wanted Eddie to touch any possible uncovered patch of skin she could offer. She needed him. 

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