34. Old habits die hard

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I walked into school, strutting through the hallway on Monday morning, wearing some high waisted jeans, and a tucked in baggy white sweater. I could feel the staring of the boys as I walked by them and the whisper of the girls as they stared at me, my status still very present. I then spotted him walking my way and my heart started pumping heavily again and my inner thighs slightly shook at his sight. He was still wearing the outfit from yesterday and I noticed the girls around me were looking his way, more than usual. I put my eyes on him, and suddenly everyone wants him. I bumped the shoulder of a girl that was giggling as she looked at him and I fake smiled as I covered my mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I said to her and she was just rubbing her shoulder while looking at me with a confused frown on her face, and I kept my way, looking forward. He was laughing as he talked with Gareth, an arm wrapped around his shoulders. My brain tingled as I remembered everything that happened yesterday, and it seems that in my sleep Wayne picked Eddie up as he left Laura home, very early in the morning. 

After he... did that to me, he watched my movements as I walked in my closet to change out of the dress and into my pajamas, taking my make up off as he washed himself in my bathroom, bumping against my hip every once in a while to bother me as I wiped my face, laughing at his childishness. He didn't let me touch him yesterday, and I wondered why. Was he taking his time on me? If so, it's making me want him once again in my bed because that is the most caring thing someone ever did for me. He finally looked up, locking eyes with mine and my breath cut short as he didn't break eye sight on me as he passed by me. I followed him with my eyes and brushed against his shoulder, heading towards the gym doors. I wanted to see if he was still looking at me, and god, I must be definitely blushing right now. Before I could reach the doors, I felt someone pull me inside the girls room and I was about to yell and then I saw Robin shushing me with her finger. My eyes widened as I looked around the place and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Noone's here, listen... I need... I--" She seemed nervous for some reason, and my eyes widened at her again.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I asked her as I inspected her shivering shoulders and she nodded, licking her lips.

"I am losing my shit Y/N, why the fuck is she dating him!?" I saw the threatening tears that were about to spill from her eyes and I frowned slightly wondering what was going on with her. "I thought I had a chance, I really did." I blinked, remembering Vickie, and I sighed, putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay Robin..." I pulled her into a tight hug, not caring if anyone walked in at the moment, but somehow I was glad no one did. I needed to stay in my team, make them trust me still, because... I won't ever forget what they did to Eddie.

"No, it's not..." She hugged me back, sniffling against my shoulder. We stayed like that until we heard the bell ring loudly, and she pulled back, wiping her nose with her wrist. I didn't know what happened to Robin, but it wasn't good at all... Did Vickie lead her on? Did she do something to Robin? The bell stopped ringing and she sniffled once more. "We better get to class, I'll talk to you later." I nodded at her and saw her walk out first, just to make sure no one was seeing us. My stomach curled as I realized that today was Monday... Oh lord.


I was clenching my teeth as he kept making noise with the tip of his pen. I cannot believe this, I was trying to pay attention to Mrs. Laker, but he was as insufferable as fucking ever.

"Munson, I will stick that pen up your ass if you don't stop." I whispered to him, and he chuckled at that, putting it down on the table. I waited for him to do the stupid trick of when he pulled one more out and began making double the noise, but it never happened. I turned my head and saw him playing with it between his nose and top lip, as he leaned back, arms crossed, staring at the ceiling. "What are you doing?"

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