46. Christmas Tree

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{Y/N's POV}

I was smoking a joint in Eddie's bed, with my back leaning against the head of it. I was wearing one of his shirts, and just my thong, and he was in front of me, sitting with his legs crossed as he strummed on his guitar, gently. It's been a week since the semifinals, and for some reason here in Hawkins we got three holiday weeks. We have our handful of homework to do, but nothing serious.

"Okay, time's up. It's time to do numbers Munson." I say as I exhale the smoke out of my lungs. I actually became quite tolerant to it, and I know my limits now. He whined as he looked at me. He was shirtless, his hair down, grey sweatpants on, my stomach turning every time he looked my way in that get up. God, he looked hot in just those pants.

"Seriously, it's only been two days of holidays, and you already want me to do homework." He says to me and I nod at him handing him his joint to take the last puff.

"Because I know you will leave it till last minute, and you have to graduate." I remind him and he sighs as he exhales the smoke out of his lips.

"We are smoking weed, and you want me to do math homework. Do you know how bad that sounds?" He says to me, shooting a smile towards me, showing his teeth and dimples. I blush slightly at the sight and I shake my head at him.

"Maybe it opens up your mind." And he just lets a laugh out of his lips, making me giggle as well. He put his guitar down, to the side of the bed and started crawling towards me. The heater was giving us the right temperature in his room. It was actually quite cold outside, and everyone was excited to see if snow would drop any time soon. Hawkins was already decorated in all Christmas lights and such, making my heart squeeze slightly at the color of it all.

"I prefer... to do something else." He said with a smirk, in all fours as he put his joint away on the ash tray that was on his night table. I shook my head at him, pulling my legs towards me, against my chest, as giggles erupted from my throat.

"We literally just did it." I say to him and he shrugged, still crawling, his face finally in front of mine with a smile on his lips, his dimples are really something.

"As if you don't like it." He says to me and I roll my eyes, holding back a smile. He leaned forward and I felt his lips come in contact with mine, making my heart drop slightly as it started beating as fast as running a marathon. Lately, Eddie's kisses were gentle, soft, and they felt intimate. Super intimate. He wasn't kissing me to keep going and for it to escalate into something else, he sometimes kissed me out of nowhere, surprising me, but I find myself doing it as well every now and then, and it's already too late when I realize what I did.

I just can't get enough of him, and it scares the shit out of me.

He pulled away from the kiss, and looked at me in the eyes, finding myself drowning in his brown doe ones.

"Maybe it's the fact that you are wearing my shirt, which fits you magnificently, while wearing only a thong underneath..." He clarifies and I blush slightly at his remark. If you had told me that I would be in Eddie Munson's trailer, with one of his shirts on, no bra, just a thong, on his bed after a long session of fucking our brains out, I would have probably pretended to puke, or bash your head in for putting me in the same room as 'The Freak'.

Now, it is one of the happiest little moments I ever experienced in my life.

"It's just a shirt Munson..." I shook my head and his eyes diverted to my lips.

"But it's my shirt sweetheart." He said and kissed me again, this time, not as soft as before. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he put his hands on my back to take me off the head of the bed and lay down, stretching my legs once more. I felt him get on top of me, our lips still connected, savoring eachother, his hair tickling the side of my face. I felt his hand press onto my left breast, guiding it down, towards the string of my thong and I giggled in between our kisses because of how fast he was going with it.

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