92. Useless thoughts

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{Y/N's POV}

"So... you and my father, huh."

"What, are you jealous darling?" Eddie asks me as we walk towards the school's doors hand in hand.

"He doesn't stop talking about you, it's so infuriating!" Ever since they met, Eddie and my dad spent most of their time exchanging music with eachother. My dad wasn't a heavy metal listener, but was slowly getting the hang of it as well as Eddie listening to some punk rock from the old days.

"I'm that charming sweetheart, you above all should know this." He said to me with a chuckle and I rolled my eyes at him. It's been a week since my father decided to finally come back home, getting a small office in the city of Hawkins to work from there. He is mainly calling and doing something called Emailing? With a computer? It sounds surreal if you ask me.

He says you can actually plug a phone, a dial up phone, into something called a modem, and with it you can connect to the Internet. He says that with it, he can send digital letters to his office back in New York, without the need of a post man, or a phone call.

Sounds impractical to me, but each to their own.

I also found out about Eddie's future decision. I was happy to say the least, but I knew he loved his music, and he wanted Corroded Coffin to take flight. I felt guilty that he wanted to go to college to be suitable for me, but he actually seemed excited to become a writer. He told me he has so many ideas, and even a series about people with dragon powers? I just didn't want him to feel pressured into it because of my father or myself... We can work it out, always.

As I entered my school, the banner a top of the hallway caught my attention. How could I forget? My excitement grew as I gripped onto Eddie's hand even tighter as I read the words from the fabric.

'Prom Night! Back to the Future!'

That would mean that nominees for Prom Queen and King will be announced today. I am not going to lie, I've always wanted to be Prom Queen, even now. It's been a little dream of mine since childhood, seeing the pretty girls getting their tiaras, and getting a slow dance with their king, liked by everyone. I don't know how much respect people have left for me, but I hope it's enough to even get nominated.

Just as soon as I looked down again from the banner, I felt the gazes of many looking my way, male gazes. That's when it hit me, like a bucket of cold water. Eddie has never, not once, been to one of his senior proms. If I remember correctly, he even made fun of the whole celebration, calling it idiotic, and plainly cringe worthy, all of that because he heard me and my girls gossiping about our dresses. I licked my lips and I looked up at him.

"Are you excited about prom?" I asked him and I saw the clear disgust in his features, scrunching up his nose and my heart dropped at that.

"Not exactly... I don't fancy having to dance, or dress up... I mean, have you ever seen me wearing a suit?" He chuckled at himself, and I let out a fake giggle out of my lips.

Was I not going to my last prom with Eddie?

"I mean... You're graduating this year... Might as well, you know, go just to see what the fuss is all about?" I was sounding desperate, I knew I was, but going to prom with someone else, or alone, was not part of my plan at all. He shrugged at my words, making my heart sink even more to the bottom of my stomach.

"Maybe. I gotta go sweetheart, I'll see you at Bio!" He bent down as we reached my locker and gave a kiss to my cheek before sprinting off to do god knows what. I sighed heavily as I opened my locker and three cards flew out. I blinked and leaned down to gather them, reading them with a confused frown in my face.

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