Seeing Master Fu and Scarlet Truther's return (again)

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Outside of Master Fu's house, Marinette, Marin, and Bridgette waited outside for the others to come.

Bridgette: I still don't get the point of coming here. I mean, we bear the villains and defeated Deker. Shouldn't we just relax and forget about our troubles?

Marinette: It's not over yet, Bridgette. Whatever Master Fu have something, it might be important.

Marin: Or evil-related.

Bridgette: I doubt it.

Marin: Alright, you'll see what we're talking about very soon. *Bridgette rolled her eyes and soon, Luka pedaled by, he parked his bike against the wall and met up with them. * You got the message too?

Luka: Yeah. *Bridgette waved at Luka, he and Marin fist-bumped, and he kissed Marinette on the cheek. Then, the other showed up too. *

Stella: Do we have to see him? I thought we were done with this hero stuff.

Bloom: It's not done yet, Stella.

Tecna: We heard from Zoe that Master Fu wants to see us.

Flora: You don't think it's bad, is it?

Lukas: I'm sure we can handle anything. We've done it many times; I wouldn't mind a little rematch with those villains.

Marinette: Let's go. *She opened the door, and they all go inside, then through another door, and that's when they see him sitting on the floor. *

Master Fu: Ahh, you're all here. I see you got my message. Come sit. *They all sit down and the Tikki, Plagg, Fangg, Liiri, Luccy, Spiike, Purry, Luzz, Bambii, Siimba, Duubu, Marlonn, and Mantaa hovered above them, so did the Pixies. * Now I know you all have lives to live, but... I have received a vision. *He goes to the window and looked sincere. * Scarlet Truther will return. *Everyone looked stunned, Wayzz looked sad and looked at Master Fu. *

Marinette: What do you mean she'll return?

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Marinette: What do you mean she'll return?

Timmy: How is that possible?

Anya: What should we do?

Jordan: Wait a minute she was in the volcano when it erupted. Did she survive that explosion?

Master Fu: Not that I know of. But all I know is she'll strike even harder. Now that you defeated Syndrome and Deker, she's the only villain who is more powerful than all the villains you fought. When I visited the Temple Guardians, they suspected something about her. Wayzz? *Wayzz nod his head, yes, he glowed green, and he made a plasma orb appeared, he revealed a red Butterfly pin. *


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