Last of the classes, end of the school day, Sabrina dilemma, and sending Frozer

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At College Francoise DuPont, in Mr. Bentley's history class, Mr. Bentley went over the Civil War lesson and PowerPoint presentation to the class. Marinette and Sabrina write down lecture notes on the powerPoint, Adrien erased a mistake in his notebook and rewrites it, Greg writes a small note to Rin, he carefully passes it to her, she sees the note, opens it, and looks confused and slightly blush at the note, Samantha and Brittany sit together and whispered to each other too. Brittany whispered into Samantha's ear, and Theo yawned and just dozed off, and Nick noticed it.

Nick: (whispers) Theo. Theo.

Mr. Bentley: In the mid-19th century, while the United States was experiencing an era of tremendous growth, a fundamental economic difference existed between the country's northern and southern regions. *Mariah scratched off the word with her pink ink pen and raised her hand. *

Mariah: Mr. Bentley?

Mr. Bentley: Yes, Mariah?

Mariah: Can you slow down just a tad? I can't catch up with you.

Mr. Bentley: Of course. My apologies.

Mariah: Thank you. *She writes down the tiny bit of the notes and stops. * Got it now.

Mr. Bentley: Okay. Where was I? Oh, yes. Growing abolitionist sentiment in the North after the 1830s and northern opposition to slavery's extension into the new western territories led many southerners to fear that the existence of slavery in America—and thus the backbone of their economy—was in danger. *In Mr. Richard son's psychology class, Mr. Richardson hands out a worksheet for the class to do. *


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Mr. Richardson: What you all have in front of you is a worksheet on Psychology. Just on what is psychology, just filled in the blanks. This will be your homework for tomorrow. *Some moaned and groaned at that. *

Melissa: (looking at her nails) Seriously? I have a nail appointment after school. Who would want to waste their time on homework?

Heather: I wouldn't. *She blew her bubble gum and it popped. *

Stacey: Same. But not a nail salon, but I am due for a hair appointment.

Bridgette: (putting the paper in her folder) Such a shame.

Teresa: Least I have no plans after school.

Bridgette: Same. (Well, hopefully no Akumas will bug me while doing homework.)

Mr. Richardson: Okay. Now, we got 5 minutes until class is over, you all can use the time to relax or pack up. *Everyone started talking for a big while they pack up their stuff for the day. *

Mia: Finally. Time to see what Bobby said. I miss our texting time. *She pulled her phone out and see what messages her boyfriend send her. * He just got done with gym class. Ahh.

Teresa/Bridgette: Typical. *Soon, the school bell ringed. *

Mr. Richardson: Have a good day, everyone. *They all gathered their stuff and leave the classroom until it's empty. In the hallways, everyone's getting their stuff. Janelle checks herself in the mirror, Mikey puts his binder with his homework in it in his backpack, and Rin texts Misaki to pick her up from school. Chloe and Sabrina walked out together, Alyssa and Kelly walked up to Janelle, they grinned and saw Mariah, Samantha, and Brittany at the lockers. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now