Passing time, fourth periods: English, music, and gym class, and back to work

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At College Francoise DuPont, after lunch time, it was now passing time for fourth period. People were either walking to their next class or getting their stuff for their next class. Zoe walked to her locker, put in her combination, and opened it.

Zoe: Hmm... English, drama, algebra, literature. I have gym class next. *She grabbed her gym bag, closed her locker door, and without paying attention again, she bumped into someone. * 'Seriously, again. I hope it's not Mariah or any of her cronies this time.' Sorry.

???: No, I'm sorry. *Zoe's eyes widened when she heard a familiar voice. She looked straight ahead and saw it was Owen. *

Zoe: Oh, Owen. S-sorry about that.

Owen: That's okay. *He picked up her bag. * You dropped this.

Zoe: (taking the bag, hesitantly) Thank you. I can't lose these. Hehe.

Owen: What class you got next?

Zoe: (looking down) I got gym next. You?

Owen: Algebra. With Mr. Cooper.

Zoe: Oh, tha-that's cool.

Owen: So, I was wondering... maybe after school, do you wanna hang out?

Zoe: 'Oh no, the big question. What should I say? Ugh, come on. This wasn't the first time you hang out with him. You were fine and now this, after school. Just us. Together. Ahhhh, a dream come true. How do I tell him?'

Owen: Zoe? Are you okay?

Zoe: (blushed) Huh? *She shook her head. * S-sorry, what did you say?

Owen: I asked if you wanna hang out after school.

Zoe: (looking away) Oh, uh... *She side-eyed Brittany opening her locker, getting her next set of textbooks for her next class. * I-I-I can't.

Owen: Oh, okay.

Zoe: Uh... what I meant is... I'm busy with the Cooperation and Collaboration assignment for Ms. Miller. You know.

Owen: Oh, yeah. I remember that. Is tomorrow okay?

Zoe: Oh, uh... I-I'm not sure. Can Wednesday be okay?

Owen: I won't be here Wednesday.

Zoe: Why?

Owen: I have a doctor's appointment.

Zoe: Oh.

Owen: How's Thursday?

Zoe: 'Is Thursday good? I have nothing planned for Thursday, so hopefully nothing will happen.' O-okay. Thursday should be okay.

Owen: Okay, great. *He checked the time on his phone. * Better get going. Bye.

Zoe: B-bye. *Owen walked away, Zoe sighed, and looked flushed. * What just happened? Did I just agree to his offer?

Amore: You did, Zoe. But as friends, like you said.

Zoe: I did say that. But why am I still blushing? *She felt her left cheek. *

Amore: It means that you like him, Zoe. Like you really do.

Zoe: (walking to the locker room) I-I don't know, Amore. I know you're the pixie of love and I'm the superhero of devotion, how do you make things not so difficult?

 I know you're the pixie of love and I'm the superhero of devotion, how do you make things not so difficult?

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