Heroes vs Witches of East Paris

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In the city, the Witches were firing off their powers from their wands at people and things all over the city. The Red Witch points her wand out and fired out a cop car, which was Roger's car.

Officer Roger: Hey! What did you do to my car? *the Police car alarm starts to go off like crazy, Roger tries to turn the alarm off, but couldn't. * What did you do to my car?

Red Witch: Sorry, copper. You'll have to give yourself a ticket: for public noise interference. *She cackles evilly and flies away on her broom witch, the Blue Witch flies up and she turns people into stone, she laughs evilly and flies away too. Then, the Green Witch points her wand up in the air, which makes the clouds turn gray and block the sun, and make lightning bolts crashing down, people scream and take cover from the lightning attack. *

Red Witch: Smell that, ladies? Something wicked is in the air

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Red Witch: Smell that, ladies? Something wicked is in the air.

Blue Witch: And that's being caused by us. *The three Witches cackled evilly again. *

???: Stop right there! *The Witches turned around and saw both the Miraculous Heroes, the Fairies, and Specialists. *

Red Witch: Well, well, well, if it isn't our least favorite people. Like what we did to your precious city?

Tina: (scowling) No, we don't.

Ladybug: Stop your madness before we stop it ourselves.

Green Witch: Hah! Go ahead and try, you'll never stop us because we're the most powerful witches in the world. Not even your little powers can ever stop us.

Firefly: (draws his light slicer) Wanna bet on that?

Red Witch: (raised her wand up) If you wanna tussle, then let's tussle. Witches! *The Blue and Green Witches raised their wands up and fired off their magic, everyone evaded their magic attack, Leo, Firefly, and Eagle rolled over and took a knee, Bloom, Flora, Tecna, Tina, Chiara, Zoe, and Melody hovered and scowled, Sky, Brandon, and Riven draw out their crystal swords, and the Pixies gasped and looked at each other and at the Witches. *

Miss Fawn: This might be a tough one to handle because we're dealing with three Witches.

Ladybug: (twirling her yo-yo) Spread out and surround them. *They all started charging, the Witches looked down and started scowling. *

Red Witch: Time to even the score. *She twirls her wand, points it out, and an army of Witches appears. *

Eagle: More witches? Can't there be a civilized battle with a normal villain?

Red Witch: Have fun dealing with our witches. Attack! *The first 10 Witches point their wands out and fire off their magic, the second 10 Witches fly up in the air, and fire off their magic too, and the third 10 witches conquer up monsters. *

Black Panther: Did they get more powerful than before?

Ladybug: I don't know.

Green Witch: I'd lake to see them all try to stop our witches now.

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