Math lesson, Mr. Thomas' class time, complain, and Katie akumatized

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In the Saint-Jacques Public Elementary School, in Ms. Myers' classroom, Ms. Myers went through a math lesson on fractions.

Ms. Myers: Alright, children, today we're gonna learn about fractions. We're not yet to turn fractions into decimals or whole numbers yet. We're gonna be adding fractions today. We'll work on subtracting fractions possibly later on today. I would like a volunteer to pass out the worksheet.

Howie: (raised his hand) I'll do it, Ms

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Howie: (raised his hand) I'll do it, Ms. Myers.

Ms. Myers: Thank you, Howie. *Howie stands up, takes the stacks of papers, and he passed them out too. *

Peyton: Thank you.

Ivan: Thank you.

Erika: Thank you.

Chris: Thank you. *Then, Howie hands the papers back to Ms. Myers. *

Ms. Myers: Thank you, Howie.

Howie: You're welcome. *He sits back in his seat next to Maddie. *

Ms. Myers: Today we will be adding fractions. We will be just adding the numerators and keeping the denominators the same. Oh, right. You don't know what number is the numerator and which number is the denominator. I'll show you an example. *She goes to the board, picks up a chalk, and write down a fraction: 2/7. The numerator is the top number, so 2 is the numerator and the 7 is the denominator, the bottom number. Got it? *Everyone answered yes to Ms. Myers. * Good. We'll be adding just the numerators and not the denominator. *Leah raised her hand. * Yes. Leah?

Leah: Why can't we add the denominator?

Ms. Myers: Because the size of the equal pieces does not change when you combine the two fractions together.

Leah: Oh, okay.

Ms. Myers: I'll help you with problems 1,2 and 3. Number 1: 1/9+4/9. Who knows what 1+4 equals? *A few raised their hands, Ms. Myers looked over at them. * Ivan?

Ivan: 5.

Ms. Myers: That's right. So, that equals 5/9. *Everyone writes down 5/9. * Now, to the next problem. 6/8+1/8. Who can answer this one? *Wade raised his hand. * Yes, Wade?

Wade: 7/8.

Ms. Myers: That's correct, it's 7/8. *Everyone writes down the answer to number 2. * Now, to number 3: 5/7+1/7. Who would like to answer this question? *A few more raised their hands. * Etta?

Etta: 6/7.

Ms. Myers: That's correct. 6/7 is the answer. *Everyone writes down the answer to number 3. * Do you all understand so far? *Everyone answered yes to Ms. Myers. * Good, you all can do the rest on your own and we'll go over the rest afterwards. *They all get to work as Ms. Myers sit at her desk and read a book for a little bit. In College Francoise DuPont, the late bell ringed for the start of second period, some kids hurried off to their classes. In Mr. Howards' class, everyone was talking as Mr. Thomas walked to the front of the class. *

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