Heroes vs Dragons part 1

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On the streets, the Dragons were flying around, breathing fire, and scaring all Parisians on the streets.

Bloom: There's too many people out in the open.

Ladybug: Try to get them all to safety, well handle the Dragons. *They flew down and help out. One white Dragon breathes fire pit, Uncanny made an energy shield appeared and blocked off the fire attack. She opened her third eye and fired out a laser beam, but the Dragon evaded the laser beam. A black one roared and swooped down. *

Firefly: Watch out! *They ducked when the Dragon swooped down, but missed them. But then Gemma's hands glowed orange. *

Gemma: Titanium wall! *She made a titanium wall appeared and the black Dragon crashed its head and left a huge dent on the wall. Few more people started running and screaming as the baby blue Dragon breathes green fire out, burning the streets and cars. *

Little girl: (hugging her mom) Mommy, I'm scared

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Little girl: (hugging her mom) Mommy, I'm scared.

Flora: Winter rose!

Tecna: Super prism! *They both made energy defense domes appeared, blocking off the fire blast. Black Panther and Blue Feather ran behind the baby blue Dragon, Black Panther rubbed his eyes as his vision of him being a Dragon came back. *

Black Panther: Not again.

Blue Feather: What is it?

Black Panther: It's back again.

Blue Feather: What's back?

Piff: Pa-too-ta! *They looked ahead and saw the Black Dragon breathe out line green fire, they evaded the fire blast, Blue Feather gets her fan, threw it out as it turns into a disc, it struck one the black dragon in the face, she caught it as they see how angry it's getting. *

Black Panther: Think you made it angry. *The black Dragon roared, breathes out fire, Black Panther and Blue Feather back flip away from the flames. Layla looked down at the citizen who is scared in fear as the white Dragon stomps on the energy barrier. *

Layla: Morphix wave! *She shoots out a deep pink Morphix beam at the white Dragon, the Dragon squealed and growled. It turned around and saw Layla, it growled and breathes fire out her, Layla gasped. *


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