Heroes vs Sirenica part 1

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Inside Fire Chief Bernard's office, Bernard started typing on his computer when he heard knocking on the door.

Bernard: Come in. *Soon, the door kicked wide open, Bernard almost fell out of his chair when he saw the door was kicked open. * What in the blazes?

???: Hello, Bernard. I am Sirenica. You think me being a firefighter is a dangerous job for a girl like me? Sure doesn't look dangerous to me.

Bernard: Hey, now. I-I-I'm sorry for how I assigned you a position. If you want, I can pull you out of the paramedic position and put you somewhere else.

Sirenica: That won't be necessary. *She balled her fist, which made her fist on fire. * I don't need your stereotyping, what I need is justice. *She punched out a fire fist, Bernard ducked, and the fire fist hit the wall, which caused his whole office to burst into flames. *

Bernard: No. My office! *He started coughing from the smoke, Sirenica ran out of the hallways, the other firefighters saw Bernard's office was in flames and Bernard was in a dire situation. Then, Sirenica leaped out from the Fire Department building, she then used her fire and water power all over the city, and created havoc too. *

Sirenica: Nothing can ever stop me and my dire justice that all girls can do things men can do-without being stereotypical. *She started flying on her wave of fire. At College Francoise DuPont, Mr. Bentley went through the last bit of the slideshow notes for his class. *

Mr. Bentley: Okay, you all got the last bit of notes from the last slide? *Everyone answered yes to Mr. Bentley. * Good. Now that you got all the lecture notes, I have an assignment for you all on the Civil War. *Some groaned at that, he went to his desk, and got a stack of papers for the whole class. But outside the window, there was a fire outside. * What in the... *Soon, the intercom buzzed. *

Mr. Damocles: (through the P.A.) Attention, students and teachers, there is fire outside of the school. Please remain calm and out of harm's way. *A few kids were in a panic due to the announcement. *

Mr. Bentley: Calm down, everyone. Settle down, please? I'm sure this will all go away smoothly. 'I hope so.' *Marinette get her phone out, group text the others about what's going on, Adrien , Jordan, and Aeon's phones buzzed, in other classes, Jessica, Luka, Zoey, Tyler, Trinity, Zoe, Bridgette, and Lucas' phone buzzed. *

Marinette: (whispered into Adrien's ear) We have to go out and see what it is.

Adrien: (whispered back into Marinette's ear) But how do we go out?

Aeon: (whispered) I have an idea. We'll have to sneak away and deal with it. *They quietly crept away out of the classroom and headed downstairs under the railing, the others joined in too. *

Zoey: What is it?

Marinette: We're not sure. But the best bet is to find out ourselves. *They each get their Kwamis and the Pixies appear too. *

Bridgette: I just messaged Marin, he'll join us.

Marinette: Okay. Let's go. Tikki, spots on! *She transforms into Ladybug. *

Luka: Plagg, claws out! *He transforms into Black Panther. * 

Adrien: Fangg, let's howl! *He transform into White Fang. *

Jessica: Liiri, wings of Liberty! *She transforms into Eagle. Aeon pressed on her bracelet and transformed into Uncanny Valley. *

Bridgette: Purry, spread my feathers! *She transforms into Blue Feather. *

Lucas: Luzz, light on! *He transforms into Firefly. *

Zoey: Bambii, buck up! *She transforms into Miss Fawn. *

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