Exploring the Island, thinking about what to do, and something on the Island

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In Paris, France, after meeting with Master Fu learning about how their adventure as Superheroes is not over yet, they still have one more evil villain to deal with and that would be Scarlet Truther.

Lukas: Think Master Fu could be right? Will Scarlet Truther plan her revenge?

Jessica: We don't know for sure if it'll happen. She still couldn't hold much of a grudge that long. Not all villains can, right?

Aeon: Nope. They'll just do what they always do: Come up with a plan to try to destroy us and all.

Jessica: True. 

Bridgette: Marinette, you're still with us? Marinette? Marinette? *Marinette stopped and looked back at them. *

Marinette: Huh?

Bridgette: You didn't hear us.

Marinette: Sorry. Just... thinking.

Bridgette: Oh, is it about the Scarlet Truther?

Marinette: (putting her hands in her pockets) No, not that. Just thinking about... some stuff.

Bridgette: Okay, if you're sure. *They all keep walking down the street. On an Island, Scarlet Truther looked at the washed up villains on shore. *

Scarlet Truther: WAKE UP, SIMPLETONS!!! *The villains were startled by her voice. *

Ogron: Ugh. What happened?

Scarlet Truther: Those lousy heroes happened. They blasted all of us out of Paris and into this Island. *The T-Rex roared and everyone heard the roar and looked up. *

Seline: What are those?

Scarlet Truther: Dinosaurs. This is a new Island to who knows where in the world. But I bet we're miles and miles away from Paris, whereas our enemies are miles away from us. But that doesn't stop us from destroying them. 

King Cobra: And what do you proposssse we do?

Scarlet Truther: Walk around until we find something. Let's go. *They all start walking along the Island path until they find what they're looking for. the villains were walking and looking around seeing Dinosaurs all over the place. Artimez scowled and looked up too. Mucus Man sniffled and wiped his nose, Madame Rouge wiped her forehead, and she looked up too. *

Darcy: We've been walking for minutes, do we even know where we're going? 

Stormy: (grunting angrily) This is totally useless! *She sits on the ground. * We'll never get out of this Island. *Icy groaned angrily. *

Icy: If only our magic works here, we'd be out of the Island so fast. *Carol fan herself from the heat. *

Carol: I'm beat. *Scarlet Truther looked up at the boiling Volcano. * 

Scarlet Truther: Hmm

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Scarlet Truther: Hmm... That volcano can be good, but the question is: Will it be good enough for a Lair? Or even better... a castle. *She smirked evilly at that. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now