Heroes vs Anansi part 2

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On the streets, Mister Quills started swinging his katanas at Anansi, but Anansi kept waving away the swings. 

Anansi: You missed, prickly. Not your best effort I'm afraid. *Mister Quills keeps swinging some more, but Anansi grabbed the katanas and threw them aside. * 

Mister Quills: Hey! *Suddenly, Anansi punched Mister Quills until he crashed into a parked car. * That is one tough spider. *Anansi laughed. *

Anansi: Still think you can beat me? Not in this lifestyle, I'm afraid. *Soon, a ball of light came and blinded Anansi. * Aaaaah! What was that? *She looked up and scowled at Stella. * Oh, you fairies are really starting to get on my nerves. *She shoots out her webs at Stella, but Espadon uses his force power and pushes Anansi back until she is pushed to a billboard. *

Stella: Thank you

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Stella: Thank you. *Espadon gave Stella a thumbs up and he looked ahead as he scowled. One spider started charging towards the Pixies, the Pixies gasped as they flew away. Miss Fawn and Uncanny were able to free Black Panther and White Fang. *

White Fang: (feeling his wrists) Thanks. It was getting a bit crammed being in a cocoon. 

Anansi: What did you do? You freed my prisoners?

Uncanny: (scowling) Yes! Now we deal with you next. *Anansi scowled, she leaped down from the billboard, and balled her fists. Soon, Ladybug and Carapace arrived. *

Black Panther: You're back. 

Anansi: Get them and their miraculous too. *More giant spiders started crawling towards them. *

Blue Feather: Not more of those creeps. *Carapace gulped and got his shield out. Three spiders started shooting out their silk webs. * 

Layla: Morphix tidal wave! *She fires a powerful swirling/vortex beam of Morphix that grabs one and delivers a powerful shock of magic before dropping it, Mister Quills' power crystal glowed black and he shoot out lightning bolts at the one spider, it was electrocuted, and exploded too. *

Nellie: Solar charge! *She shoots a yellow energy ball at the two giant spiders, it explodes on the spiders

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Nellie: Solar charge! *She shoots a yellow energy ball at the two giant spiders, it explodes on the spiders. They start hissing from the attack. *

Anansi: Stop hurting my spiders! 

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