Textbook check out (History class), engaged couple, and getting ready to leave

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Back at College Francoise DuPont, in Mr. Bentley's class, he went through the textbook check-out in an orderly fashion.

Mr. Bentley: (scanned Nino's book) Here you go, Nino.

Nino: (taking the book) Thank you. *He walked back to his seat. *

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Amelia's textbook) Here you go, Amelia.

Amelia: (taking the book) Thank you. *She walked back to her seat. *

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Sean's textbook) Here you go, Sean.

Sean: (taking the book) Thank you. *He walks back to his seat. *

Alya: (Rin walks back to her seat) Not bad, kinda like the last history textbook we had last year.

Marinette: Maybe they made some changes and decided to change the textbook designs.

Alya: (Delmar walks back to his seat) Maybe. Guess they were some budget cuts from last year.

Marinette: Maybe.

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Sabrina's textbook) Here you go, Sabrina.

Sabrina: (taking the book) Thank you. *She walked back to her seat. *

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Greg's textbook) Here you go, Greg.

Greg: (taking the book) Thank you. *He walked back to his seat. *

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Theo's textbook) Here you go, Theo.

Theo: (taking the book) Thank you.

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Nick's textbook) Here you go, Nick.

Nick: (taking the book) Thank you. *He walks back to his seat. *

Mr. Bentley: (scanning Valerie's textbook) And here you go, Valerie.

Valerie: (taking the book) Thank you. *She walks back to her seat. *

Mr. Bentley: Okay, you all got your textbooks? *Everyone answered yes to Mr. Bentley. * Good. With only 5 minutes until class ends, we won't have the time to talk about our first history lesson, we'll get started on it tomorrow. *Some were relieved about hearing that and some were okay with that. *

Nino: (elbowing Adrien) Guess we got a free day.

Adrien: Guess so. *In Mr. Richardson's classroom, Mr. Richardson went over chapter one of the Psychology textbook. *

Mr. Richardson: And so, now you all know what Psychology is and how we all understand the merits of an education of Psychology. Are there any questions? *No one raised their hands for any questions. * Okay. Well I do want to say one thing to you all... *Soon, the bell ringed. * Class dismissed, have a good day. See you all tomorrow. *Everyone starts gathering their stuff and leave the classroom. *

Ross: (closing his textbook) Finally. Who knew Psychology would be so boring?

Oscar: (zipping up his backpack and putting it on) No one. I find it interesting.

Ross: I don't. *He put on his backpack and walked out of the classroom with Oscar. * I just find it pointless.

Oscar: Not too pointless if you want to be a Psychologist as your future career.

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