End of math class, passing time, Juleka's birthday plan, and grocery shopping

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At College Francoise DuPont, in Ms. Trussel's math class, Ms. Trussel went through the Pythagorean Theorem with the class, so far everyone has a good understanding of the lesson, she had a few volunteers coming up to the board and solved a few problems. 

Ms. Trussel: That's correct, Layla.

Layla: Thank you, Ms. Trussel. *She sits back to her seat and Ms. Trussel looked at the solved problems. *

Ms. Trussel: I think you all have a good understanding on the Pythagorean Theorem and identifying the three triangles. I decided to push the test day to Monday instead of Tuesday.

Mylene: (raised her hand) Why is it being pushed to Monday instead of Tuesday?

Ms. Trussel: I just feel like you all have an understanding of the assignment and feel like I want to see you have a good understanding of the test. But don't worry, I have something for you all. 

Kim: Is it gonna be open-note?

Ms. Trussel: No, Kim. I got you all a study guide for your test. You can fill it out and turn it into me Monday before I hand out the test. But I'll tell you this. It is multiple choice, show your work, and I have set up two extra credit problem if you want the extra points. *Some mumbled and agreed to that. * Glad we're on the same page here. Now, are there any questions regarding the test? *No one have a question. * Okay, I'm glad you all have a good understanding of what I'm... *Soon, the school bell ringed. * Before you all walk out, come pick up a study guide on your way out and turn in your homework assignment on your way out too. Class dismissed. *Everyone gathered their stuff, turned in their homework, and picked up a study guide on their way out of the classroom. In the hallways, everyone was walking by, getting their stuff for their next class, or meeting up with their friends. Marinette opened her locker put her math stuff inside, and get her geography stuff, that was when Alya, Mylene, Alix, Rose, and Jessica were there. *

Alya: You guys seen Clara's new music video?

Alix: I did. 

Mylene: I saw it last night. 

Rose: I love her music. She's so meaningful and fun.

Jessica: It was good. Good thing her concert is next weekend and not this weekend.

Alya: Oh yeah, Juleka's party is this Saturday. So, have you guys thought about what you're gonna get her?

Alix: I'm gonna get her a plasma ball.

Jessica: That's not one of those things where you touch it and your hair just stands up?

Alix: No, it's not that kind. Here's what it looks like. *She googled a plasma ball and showed it to Jessica. * This plasma ball. 

Mylene: Wow

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Mylene: Wow.

Alya: Cool.

Rose: What does that do?

Alix: If you touch the plasma ball, all of the electrons will go through you to the ground. You see only one big spark inside the ball where you put your hand. If you stand on a stool, you are insulated from the ground and get filled with electrons. This means you can light up a fluorescent light bulb!

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now