Meeting with friends, pen pal message, Bakery shift, and planning attack

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Once everyone had some breakfast at their houses and they were all dressed and ready for school, they head out while saying goodbye to their parents before going to school. In Marinette's house, Mulan and Shang put together school lunches for Marinette, Bridgette, and Timmy. 

Mulan: (closing up Marinette's lunch bag) Okay, that's Marinette's. Bridgette's already been packed, how are you doing with Timmy's lunch?

Shang: (putting an apple juice in the bag) Got it done. 

Mulan: Okay. *Soon, Marinette came downstairs and stopped at the dining room, Bridgette closed her bedroom door, and Timmy came out too. * Okay, are you guys all set?

Marinette: Yeah.

Bridgette: So for lunch, packed or are we getting money?

Mulan: We packed your lunches. Marinette, you have a chicken salad club sandwich vanilla yogurt with berries, popcorn with chicken salt, cinnamon cookies, green beans and cherry tomatoes. Plus, I added a tropical punch olipop.

Marinette: (taking her lunch box) Thanks, Mulan. *Soon, her phone buzzed, she pulled it out of her pocket, and saw it's Luka. * Oh, Luka's outside, Bye,

Mulan/Shang: Bye. *Marinette headed out of the house and headed outside. * 

Mulan: Bridgette, you get celery and cucumber pieces, strawberries, dried apricots and crackers, ham and swiss cheese sandwich and a museli bar. Your drink is a lemon iced tea. 

Bridgette: (taking her lunch bag) Thanks. *She leaves the house and heads to school too. *

Shang: Marin's can go in the fridge since he got online classes. *He goes to the fridge and put his lunch inside for Marin for later. *

Mulan: And Timmy, you get a ham and cheese pinwheel wraps, crackers with avocado dip and peas, strawberries and feta, tomato and cucumber skewers, and you have an apple juice in there.

Timmy: (holding his lunch box) Thank you.

Mulan: I'll take you to school.

Timmy: Okay. *They both left the house and walked to school together as Shang go to the bakery and helped out. In Jordan's house, Jordan put on his green hat and walked out of his bedroom. *

Anne: (zipping up Lela's lunch bag) Okay, you two are ready to go?

Jordan: Yeah.

Lela: Yes.

Anne: Good. Here are your lunches. Peanut butter and banana roll-ups, frozen edamame, raw zucchini and orange bell pepper, some beet hummus, apple slices, and a bottle of water. 

Jordan: (taking his lunch bag) Thanks, mom. 

Anne: And Lela, you get a Peanut butter and jelly mini bagel, a Cookie, Chomps beef stick, cheese stick, and cherry tomatoes, Fruit salad, Banana bread, and grape juice as a drink.

Lela: Thank you, mommy. 

Anne: (closing her brief case) I better get going. You both need a ride?

Jordan: Sure. I walked last week, my legs can use a break from walking.

Anne: Okay. Lela?

Lela: Yes, please.

Anne: Okay, let's go. *They both leave the house, get in the car, and Anne drive them off to their schools. *

In Tyler's house, Tyler walked downstairs from his room and he saw his lunch bag on the table. 

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now