Saturday: getting ready for the day, breakfast, and leaving for training

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In Paris, France, it's a sunny Saturday morning in Marinette's house, the sun's rays beamed into Marinette's room, Nele yawned and stretched, she flew up to Marinette, and genlty licked her nose. Marinette chuckled, opened her eyes, and rubbed her eyes too.

Marinette: (holding Nele) Good morning, Nele. *She kissed her on her forehead. * Good morning, Tikki. *Tikki's still sleeping on the pillow. * I'll wake her up for breakfast later. *She gets out of bed, goes to her desk, and she sees Lockette sleeping peacefully. * Morning, Lockette.

Lockette: (rubbing her eyes) Good morning.

Marinette: I'll get you guys breakfast later.

Lockette: Okay. *Marinette heads downstairs to the kitchen. She sees Mulan and her dad making breakfast. *

Tom: Good morning, Marinette.

Marinette: Morning. *She sits down as Marin eats a bowl of cereal and look through his phone. * Where's mom?

Tom: She's with Shang opening up the bakery. We'll be down there to help after you guys have breakfast.

Marinette: Okay. *Timmy yawned and rubbed his eyes, Bridgette came out brushing her pigtails, and putting the brush down. *

Mulan: (holding a pan) Good morning, guys.

Timmy/Bridgette: Morning.

Tom: What do you all want for breakfast?

Marinette: Just scrambled eggs and toast for me, please? *Mulan poured some orange juice and placed the cup next to Marinette. * Thank you. *Mulan grinned, she poured a cup of orange juice for Bridgette. *

Bridgette: A bowl of oatmeal and some mixed berries.

Mulan: (putting the cup next to Bridgette) Here you go.

Bridgette: Thank you, Mulan. *Mulan poured another cup of orange juice for Timmy. *

Timmy: Can I have a waffle? *Mulan put the cup next to Timmy. * Thank you. *Mulan rubbed his head and walked back to the kitchen. *

Tom: Coming right up. *He goes into the kitchen and he and Mulan start making their breakfast. *

Marinette: You guys are helping out in the bakery?

Bridgette: Later on, yeah. You?

Marinette: Going to the Liberty later on.

Bridgette: Oh yeah, you're going to a party. How long is the party?

Marinette: Not sure, probably end not too late.

Bridgette: Okay. *Marin finished up his bowl of cereal, drank the last of his orange juice, and put the cup in the bowl. *

Marin: I'm done with my breakfast.

Tom: (stirring pancake batter) Okay, Marin. You can head down to the bakery after you get yourself cleaned up.

Marin: Okay. *He walked to his room and got ready for the day. In the Liberty, Luka got up from his bed, he saw Juleka all dressed and brushing her hair. *

Juleka: Morning.

Luka: Morning. *He stretched and Lira float towards him. * Morning, Lira. You excited for your party?

Juleka: Yeah. Mom said we can help out with setting up the popper deck. You know, where the gangplank is at.

Luka: Yeah. *Soon, the door knocked. * Come in. *The door opened and Othiteka walked in while drinking some coffee. *

Othiteka: Morning, guys.

Luka/Juleka: Monring, dad.

Othiteka: You ready for party set up?

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