Geography lesson, acting exercises, order calls, and thinking of a present

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Outside of the Bakery, the van stopped on the side, Mulan turned the van off, and she and Shang stepped out of the van.

Mulan: Wanna open the trunk or should I?

Shang: I'll open the trunk.

Mulan: (handing him the keys) Okay. *He takes the keys, opened the trunk, they start pulling bags out, and bringing them inside. They did this three times until Shang grabbed the last bag then closed the trunk and heads inside. In Marin's room, Marin kept working on his zoom class lesson on college algebra when he heard footsteps outside, he put his pencil down, and take a step outside of his room. *

Marin: Where were you guys?

Mulan: (holding a carton of milk) We went to the store and did some shopping.

Shang: (putting some fresh fruit in the fruit bowl) Your mom made a list and we got everything we need on the list.

Marin: Okay. *He went back to his room and gets back to Zoom. *

Livy: Can I have  snack, Marin?

Marin: (picking up a pencil) Sure. Just let me finish up these last 2 algebra problems and I'll get you something, Livy.

Livy: Okay. *Marin gets back to work on his algebra work. *

At the College Francoise DuPont, in Mr. Thomas' class, Mr. Thomas talk more about mapping and grids in his class.

Mr. Thomas: You all done the homework from your textbooks last night? *Everyone answered yes to Mr. Thomas. * Good. I'll collect them, grade them and, hand them back to you Monday. Have it out for me to collect. *Everyone gets out their homework, places it on their desks for Mr. Thomas to collect. He started picking up their homework papers and put them on his desk. * Now that's done, time to discuss our previous topic from yesterday because soon, you'll be tested on the topic. I wanna say Tuesday at least.

Alya: Least it's not on Monday because we have a math test on Monday after the weekend.

Marinette: Yeah.

Mr. Thomas: (opening his textbook) Please take out your textbook and turn to page 21, we'll start on the heading called Map Classifications. Just for a little bit, and after that there's Study Exercise E assignment numbers 14-18.

Nino: (opening his textbook) Four problems, there shouldn't be too much to do.

Adrien: (opening his textbook) Yeah. We'll probably be done before class even ends.

Nino: Wanna work together on it?

Adrien: Yeah. Just hope he doesn't assign any homework off of it.

Mr. Thomas: Just read the last of the Map Classification and do the assignment afterwards. You may get started, if you need help, come up and I'll help you. Or do a partner work. *He walked back to his desk, working as everyone else gets started on their assignment. In Ms. Miller's theater class, Ms. Miller talked about more on Develop Empathy, she decided to go over a few acting exercises to the class. *

Ms. Miller: So, you all understand what Develop Empathy is? *Everyone answered yes to her. * Good. Now, I want us to start on something fun. *There were a few mumbling about that. * I bet you're all wondering what I have planned for you all. We're gonna do an acting exercise, so everyone stands up. *Everyone stands up from their seats and looks at Ms. Miller. * Good. Now, drive-by acting exercise. You're all angry Englishmen, go!

Will: (British accent) Uh, I insist you tell me who sat on me crumpet!

Brittany:(British accent) My grandmummy went to the Loo while I snogged the Prime Minister.

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