Getting Felix as Night Crawler and Heroes vs Tar Monster part 2

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On the streets, the Tar Monster kept the others bound and gag with tar, struggling to move and breathe.

Firefly: Where's Ladybug?

Black Panther: She should be here soon.

Miss Fawn: Let's hope she hurries. This tar is really strangling me! *The Tar Monster chuckled evilly, then Katana swooped in, drew her katana out, and cut everyone free from the tar. *

Stella: Who was that?

Brandon: I don't know. *The Tar Monster roared and spewed out tar balls at Katana, but she cut the tar balls in half and tar got all over the place. Then, on the rooftop, Ladybug and the other allies appeared. *

Ladybug: Let's go. *They leaped down from the roof and onto the pavement, the Tar Monster started spewing out more tar balls, everyone duck and dodged the tar balls. The others get their powers and weapons ready, ladybug then pulled Black Panther aside. *

Black Panther: What is it?

Ladybug: (holding out the Snake miraculous) I need you to be Viperion for this mission.

Black Panther: Okay, but could I just merge with the Black Cat miraculous instead?

Ladybug: I thought about it, but I figured I want to rely on someone who's been a black cat hero already.

Black Panther: Okay, but who?

Ladybug: Felix. Let's go. *She threw her yo-yo out and swung away, Black Panther extended his stick, and vaulted after her. *

Black Panther: Think Felix can be much help?

Ladybug: He was much help the last time we dealt with more villains. *They head to the Agreste Mansion, stop at the window where they see Felix in the bedroom, playing the piano. Ladybug knocked on the window, Felix looked out the window, and he saw Ladybug and Black Panther. He grabbed the remote to the window, pressed the button to open it, and they went inside the bedroom. *

Felix: Ladybug, Black Panther, what are you guys doing here?

Ladybug: We need your help, Felix. Think you can be Night Crawler?

Felix: But how can I be Night Crawler when Black Panther has the Black Cat miraculous.

Black Panther: Not for now, actually. *Felix looked confused at Black Panther. * Claws in! *He de-transforms back to Luka, and Plagg appeared. *

Luka: (taking off the Black Cat ring) You'll be Night Crawler.

Felix: (taking the ring) Think I can do it?

Ladybug: You did it before, I'm sure you can do it again. *Felix looked at the ring, then at Ladybug and Luka, they both nod their heads yes to him, he then put the ring on his finger, and Ladybug gave Luka the Snake miraculous. *

Plagg: You know what to say?

Felix: Yeah. Plagg, claws out! *He transformed into Night Crawler, Luka looked at Sass, and they both looked determine and nodded. *


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