Arriving home, getting started on homework, girls off duty, and end of detention

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In the bakery, Tom, Marin, Mulan, Shang, and Mushu were cleaning up the bakery before closing up shop, Marinette and Bridgette walked inside the shop and said hi to them.

Tom: Hello, girls. Ho was school?

Bridgette: It was good. I got some homework to do.

Marinette: Me too. 

Tom: Okay. We're about to close up in a little bit.

Marinette/Bridgette: Okay. *They walked out of the bakery and headed to the front door. Bridgette pulled her house keys, unlocked the door, and they both walked inside the house. * Hey, mom.

Sabine: (pouring some green tea) Hello, girls. How was school?

Bridgette: It was good

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Bridgette: It was good.

Sabine: Ahh. Marinette, how did you do on your math test?

Marinette: I think I did pretty good.

Sabine: That's good. I understand you two have homework to do, so I'll let you two get started on that.

Bridgette: Okay.

Marinette: Okay. *They head to their rooms and get started on their homework. Marinette opened her purse, Tikki flew out, Lockette appeared, and Nele yawned and stretched. * Hi, Nele. *Nele floated and licked her face, she chuckled, and hugged her. * I'll play with you later, right now I have homework to do. *She let Nele go, she opened her backpack, she got out her main subjects that she had homework on, and got started. * What should I start first? Think I'll do my social studies study guide for the test. *She gets her notebook and social studies textbook, then she gets started on it. In Bridgette's room, Bridgette welcomed Flo, let Purry out from her purse, and Piff re-appeared. *

Piff: Pa-toota.

Bridgette: Hello, Piff. *She kissed her on the forehead. * I have homework to do, so I need some quiet time, okay?

Piff: Pa-toota. 

Bridgette: Good. *She let Piff go, Flo flew towards Bridgette, and she nuzzled her. * Hello, Flo. I'll play with you later. Right now, I got some work to do. *Flo whimpered. * I know, I know. But I can't be a procrastinator when it comes to school. Why don't you go play with the others? *Flo grinned and licked her. * You're welcome. *Flo flew away, Bridgette turned on her table lamp, and got started on her work. * Good thing I got two classes to do: biology and algebra. So, biology first. *She gets her workbook and mechanical pencil, she clicks her pencil, and gets started on her homework. Back at school, the detention teacher Mr. Albrechtsberger faced everyone in the classroom. *


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