Phone call from Gina, Othiteka's home, and getting Plant Fiend

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In Marinette's house, Tom start stirring the pan with a wooden spoon, Shang cut up the vegetables for the stir fry, Mulan get some drinks for dinner.

Mulan: Uncle, think we can have a special drink made for dinner?

Tom: (holding the pan and spoon) Sure. What do you have in mind?

Mulan: I was thinking something more... fun and delicious.

Tom: Okay. Whatever you make will be good for all of us.

Mulan: Okay. *She looks inside the fridge and see what she can make as a drink for dinner. *

Sabine: Okay, think that's enough crackers and peanut butter. *She closed up the jar and closed up the box of crackers, she put them on the coffee table, grabs a cup of her green tea and drink some. * Okay, time to go to the bathroom. *She gets up slowly and walk steadily to the bathroom. *

Tom: Honey, need some help?

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Tom: Honey, need some help?

Sabine: If you can, yes.

Shang: I'll keep an eye on the food.

Tom: (holding Shang's shoulder) Thank you, Shang. *He goes to the bathroom with Sabine. *

Sabine: Thank you, honey.

Tom: My pleasure. *Meanwhile, Marin came back inside the house. *

Mulan: (getting some lemons and strawberries from the fridge) Oh, you're back.

Mulan: (getting some lemons and strawberries from the fridge) Oh, you're back

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Marin: Yep. It didn't take too long. Where's mom and dad?

Shang: In the bathroom.

Marin: What?

Mulan: Not like that. Your dad is helping your mom in bathroom.

Marin: Oh. Okay, then. I'll be up in my room. *He gets to his room, put his ball down, and looked out the window. * It's quiet so far.

Spiike: But evil will come soon enough.

Marin: One can only hope, Spiike.

On the Liberty, in the kitchen, Anarka looked through the fridge and freezer, thinking of what to eat for dinner.

Anarka: Hmm... what can I make for dinner tonight? *She thinks for a little bit. * Hmm, guess I can make some haggis for dinner. And some neeps and tatties on the side. That should be good. *She start getting stuff for dinner, she closed the fridge door and when she looked at the calendar, she noticed Juleka's birthday is this Friday. * Juleka's 16th birthday is this Friday. I'll ask her what she wants to do for her birthday this weekend. *She place the stuff down on the counter and get the other utensils and other stuff. Michael walked into the kitchen. *

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now