Heroes vs Card Shark part 2

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In the city, the other heroes keep fighting off Card Shark, but some were held captive in his cards. He got Bloom, Layla, Stella, Zoe, Lily, Nataly, Alina, Gemma, Shantel, Ellie, Serena, Melody, Silvia, Espadon, and Miss Fawn. Mister Quills swing and struck Card Shark with his katana swords. 

Card Shark: Do you really think you can beat me? You're not so tough, are you? *He drew out a card, touched his katana swords, and Mister Quills gasped. * Not so powerful without your weapons, are we? *He chuckled evilly. *

Mister Quills: My swords! *Suddenly, Card Shark kicked him until he hit a parked car. *

Card Shark: Time to trap me a Porcupine. *He picked up a blank card and was about to tag Mister Quills when, a yo-yo was being thrown out and hit Card Shark's hand, which made the card flew away. * Hey! 

Ladybug: Get back Card Shark! *Card Shark looked up and saw Ladybug, Polymouse, and Caprikid. * 

Card Shark: Huh, so you decided to come back. And you got some more help. No matter, I will still beat you and take your miraculous on the spot.

Ladybug: Go ahead and try then. 

Card Shark: With pleasure. *He swipes out cards, they evaded the cards flying, Ladybug twirled her yo-yo and deflect the cards, Polymouse tuck and tumbled, she used her jump rope, and blocked off the cards too, Caprikid jump, duck, and dodge a few cards, and he used his paint brush, and deflect the cards too. * Come on. At least get me their weapons so they'll be useless against me. 

Tina: Step away from the heroes. *Card Shark turned his head and saw Tina, he scowled at her. *

Card Shark: You'll do just fine, little Fairy. *He starts swiping out more cards, Tina use her fire power and burned the cards into ashes, Card Shark scowled as he sees his cards into a pile of ashes. * Stop burning my cards, you nuisance of a fairy. You don't belong to this society.

Tina: And a villain like you don't deserve to be in this society too. 

Card Shark: Very well then. *He keeps swiping out more cards, Tina evaded the flying cards, Madame Raya leaped up, swung her bubble wand, made a big bubble trapping the cards, Card Shark scowled and gritted his teeth. Card Shark scowled at Ladybug, he then started swiping out more cards towards her. *

Black Panther: Ladybug watch out! *Ladybug looked ahead, she saw the cards flying towards her, so she deflected the cards with her yo-yo, and scowled at Card Shark. * 

Ladybug: Ladybug swarm! *She shoots out a swarm of Ladybugs, they start flying all over Card Shark's face, he tries to shoot them away, but they won't go away. *

Card Shark: Get away from me! Ladybugs are the worse. Curse their luck, I don't need their luck! 

Scarlet Truther: (in the Lair) Ugh, what is the hold up? I want their miraculous and I want them now! Card Shark, what are you doing?

Card Shark: Stupid Ladybug just summoned these stupid Ladybugs. They're obstructing my view.

Scarlet Truther: (in the Lair) Who cares! Quit being distracted and get their miraculous now!

Card Shark: Ugh, fine. 'Such a bossy boots.'  Your time is up, Ladybug. You and your little heroes. *He swipes out more cards and they did their best to avoid being trapped in cards. The heroes hide behind a parked car, but the card tapped on the car, and is now in the hands of Card Shark. * Stupid. I almost had them. *He put the car card in the deck and he keeps swiping out more cards. *

Eagle: He's too quick.

Ladybug: He won't be for much longer. Lucky charm! *She threw her yo-yo up, a swarm of magical Ladybugs appeared, and made a tube of glue appear. * Glue?

Scarlet Truther's Revenge (The one that lost hope) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now