Getting recruits and Heroes vs Doctor Fondue part 1

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At the bakery, Marin rolled out the pie dough for the apple pie with a rolling pin.

Tom: The dough looks great, Marin.

Marin: Thanks, dad.

Tom: I'll just put it on top of the pie and we'll put them both in the oven.

Shang: Think the lemon meringue should be good to go.

Tom: (opening the oven door and put the apple pie in the oven) Thank you, Shang. *He takes the lemon meringue and put it in the oven. * We'll let them bake for 15 minutes. *He set the timer for 15 minutes and let them both bake. *Outside of the bakery, Dr. Fondue pointed his cheese scepter out and turned the citizen into swiss cheese. *

Dr. Fondue: No need to be such a monster-ella. Ha! *He looked at the bakery, he kicked the door open, Mulan, Melanie, and Mushu exclaimed. * Say cheese! *He points his scepter out and fired at Mulan and Melanie, they were turned into cheese (Mulan- American cheddar, Melanie- white cheddar.) Tom and Shang opened the door and saw Mulan and Melanie as cheese. *

Shang: Mulan!

Tom: (holding a bread spatula) What are you doing here?! You're not authorized to be in this bakery!

Dr. Fondue: Authorize this! Have some gouda! *He blasted Tom into a gouda cheese and Shang into mozzerella cheese. Marin clawed out of the kitchen and stopped at the door. He opened his pocket and let Spiike out. *

Marin: Something's wrong, Spiike.

Spiike: What is it?

Livy: And who was that?

Marin: I don't know. But I gotta stop him until the others get here and help out. Spiike, quills up! *He transforms into Mister Quills. *

Mister Quills: Livy, send a message to the others

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Mister Quills: Livy, send a message to the others. *Livy nodded, her hands glowed light blue, she made light blue paper airplanes appear, and flew out of the bakery and to the school. *

Dr. Fondue: Is there anyone else in here? I wanna turn you into yummy Brie cheese. *Mister Quills scowled and crept to the counter quietly. * Hey! Is there anyone else?

Mister Quills: (pulling out his katana swords) Surprise! *Dr. Fondue exclaimed and nearly fell back. *

Dr. Fondue: Ugh, you're one of those annoying heroes that I was told to destroy and take your miraculous.

Mister Quills: You're right on the money. But you're forgetting one thing. *He held one katana over his head and another one below him. * You'll never take it from me.

Dr. Fondue: We'll see that. *He points his scepter out and starts firing, Mister Quills blocked off the blast from the scepter, flipped away, jumped over the counter, and kicked Dr. Fondue in the face then out of the bakery. *

Mister Quills: We don't serve your kind here. *Dr. Fondue wiped the corner of his mouth and scowled. *

Dr. Fondue: Okay, Prickles. Let's dance. *At College Francoise DuPont, the blue envelopes were flying into the school, one flew into Mr. Bentley's class, it landed on Marinette, Adrien, and Aeon's desk, they opened the paper envelopes and see a distress message from Mister Quills. *

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