Meeting some new teachers, visiting Mr. Damocles, bakery shift, and new villains

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In Marinette's house, Tom zipped up Timmy's lunch bag and he sees them getting their school bags ready to go.

Tom: Okay, are we all set here?

Marinette: (putting on her backpack) Yes.

Bridgette: (putting on her purse and grabbing her backpack) I'm all set.

Timmy: Ready.

Tom: Okay. Marin is in his room doing his zoom.

Timmy: Zoom?

Bridgette: It's an online course people take. He asked mom and dad if he can take the rest of his college course on zoom instead of going back to the campus.

Timmy: Oh.

Tom: I also told him once he's done with all his assignments, he can come down to the bakery and help us out.

Timmy: Oh, okay.

Tom: Here are your lunches. Bridgette: chicken flantas from last night, fruit cup, skinny pop popcorn, water, and some macarons.

Bridgette: (taking her lunch bag) Thanks, dad. Bye.

Tom: Bye, Bridgette. *She takes her lunch bag and leaves the house. * Marinette: turkey pinwheels, bag of pretzels, apple slices with caramel dipping sauce, a mango iced tea, and some macarons you can share with your friends.

Marinette: (taking her lunch bag and the box of macarons) Thanks, dad. See ya.

Tom: (watching Marinette leave the house) Have a good first day, honey. And Timmy: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, crackers, orange slices, apple juice, and some chocolate chip cookies.

Timmy: Thank you, dad.

Tom: Come on, I'll take you to school.

Timmy: Okay. *They both leave the house and head off to Saint-Jacques Public Elementary School. At the College Francoise DuPont, inside the Teacher's Lounge before class starts, all teachers drink some morning coffee, have a pastry from the bakery before coming in. Mr. Bestley and Ms. Trussel were talking while having coffee, Mrs. Jones takes a bite of her croissant as Mr. Thomas takes a sip of his coffee, and Mrs. Rodriguez added sugar in her coffee, stirred it up and takes a sip, then the door opened and Mr. Damocles and Vice Principal Johnson walked in. *

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