Lunchtime, picking up the mail, and sending the Tar Monster to Paris

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In Marinette's house, Tom, Mulan, Shang, and Mushu came into the house, they see Sabine and Marin at the dining room table.

Tom: Hey, son. Done with school work?

Marin: (pouring some water in a cup) Yeah. For now. 

Tom: Oh, you still got some work to do?

Marin: No, I'm done. 

Tom: Okay. What would you like for lunch? 

Marin: Not sure. I was gonna get an instant dinner.

Tom: I got something for you. Pinwheel sandwiches.

Marin: I love pinwheel sandwiches.

Tom: Okay, then pinwheel sandwiches you'll have. What kind would you like?

Marin: Ham, cheese, and lettuce. 

Sabine: (putting her fork down) I'll just have a grilled cheese sandwich.

Tom: I'll make you my special grilled cheese sandwich. 

Mulan: A special grilled cheese sandwich?

Tom: You'll see. *He gets started on Marin's pinwheel sandwich, Marin gets a small bag of Doritos, and opens it. * Here you go, son.

 * Here you go, son

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Marin: Thanks, dad

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Marin: Thanks, dad. *He picked up one pinwheel and ate it. * Mm. It's good. *He takes another bite. *

Tom: Now for your grilled cheese sandwich. *He puts two pieces of bread down on the counter, spread some cream cheese on one slice, put down some goat cheese, millet slices, gruyere slices, and added some blackberries. He heats the pan up, buttered up the pan, and he starts grilling the grilled cheese until both sides are evenly toasted. * That should be done. *He picked up the sandwich, placed it on the plate, cut it in half, and placed the plate in front of Sabine. * There you go.

 * There you go

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