Heroes vs Reverser part 1

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On the streets, Reverser flies around, throwing out paper planes all over people, that change their personalities, Reverser smirked at the progress he made while flying.

Reverser: These people are too easy to handle. I want to try something more challenging. *He grinned maliciously. * And I know who can be of help. *Soon, a fire ball flew by, nearly knock him off his book board. * What the... who threw that? *He turned around and saw them. *

Ladybug: That'e enough, Reverser! Why are you doing this?

Reverser: I just want to see the other half of people, you know, their true nature.

Firefly: Define true nature?

Reverser: Why don't I show you myself? *He starts throwing out paper planes. *

Ladybug: Watch out for the paper planes. 

Stella: Huh? Why? What's so wrong about them? *soon, one paper plane hit Stella. *

Brandon: Stella!

Ladybug: That's why. 

Stella: ugh. This is not my style. I'm not even at a fashion design level. I'm bad at designs! *She got on her knees and cried, Reverser laughed. *

Brandon: What did you do to her?

Reverser: I just changed her personality, nothing too major. 

Ladybug: The paper planes are what caused it. 

Reverser: You want some more? There's plenty more where that comes from. *He starts sending off more paper planes, they all evade the paper planes Reverser throws out, Leo throws her hoop ring out at Reverser, but Reverser ducked from the hoop ring. * You got pride, huh? Well, let's see what happens when that pride shatters. *He threw out a paper plane, Leo gasped, and tried to evade the paper plane from hitting him. * Come on, get him. 

Eagle: (looking at Uncanny) Let's ambush him. 

Uncanny: But get him when he's not looking or sensing out movement. *Piff and Tune looked at each other and towards Eagle and Uncanny. They swooped straight towards Reverser, but Reverser heard them, he turned around and he threw out two paper planes, they got struck by them, everyone gasped at them. *

Eagle: What the heck?

Reverser: Reversion. Eagle, you'll be a caged bird, begging for freedom. Uncanny, you're about slow and dumb. *The paper planes disappeared and Eagle felt sad and anxious. *

Eagle: I feel so trapped... it's useless... there's nothing we can do to stop him.

Uncanny: (putting hands on her head) We can't stop such a smart villain. I have no idea how to stop him.

Eagle: Let's just give up and go home. 

Madame Raya: Eagle and Uncanny got hit. 

Reverser: That's right. They're affected by my paper planes. But trust me, my job is not over yet. I still have you all to deal with and take your miraculous in the process, and I'll start with that feather brain. *He starts flying towards Eagle. *

Flora: Winter rose! *She summons a wall of thorny vines blocking Reverser's way. * 


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