Wishing Juleka happy birthday, first lesson (Ms. Trussel), and bakery business

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Outside of the school, Alya and the others were writing out a birthday card for Juleka, Alya saw Marinette and Luka pulling up at the school. Then, a limo pulled up too, Chloe and Zoe stepped out of the limo.

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Kim: What's up with Chloe?

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Kim: What's up with Chloe?

Jessica: Who knows.

Zoe: I talked to her yesterday about her taking advantage on Sabrina.

Aeon: How did she take it?

Zoe: No clue, But nothing too bad.

Rose: Aww.

Alya: Oh, good. You're here. Luka, where's Juleka?

Luka: She should be here soon. Why?

Nino: We're signing a birthday card for Juleka.

Alya: I picked it out. There's enough room for you and Luka.

Marinette: Okay. *She takes a pen and signs it, she lends a pen to Luka, and he signed it too. *

Alya: Alright, it's all set. Now we just wait.

Marinette: I would've brought something for her, but I forgot to tell my dad.

Luka: You don't have to worry about it. My mom stopped at the bakery and requested a cake for her.

Marinette: Okay.

Rose: She's coming. I see her. *Juleka walked down the sidewalk and she saw her friends outside. *

Everybody: SURPRISE! *Kim, Jessica, Nathaniel, and Lucas blew out noisemakers. *

Juleka: Wow. You guys did all of this?

Mylene: Of course we did. It's your birthday. *Juleka grinned for that. *

Alya: We got you this card and we all signed it. *Juleka took the card, opened it, she sees everyone signed it wishing her a happy birthday, and read the print on the card. *


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