Witches of East Paris aftermath, dinner, and talking to the Guardians

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After the battle with the Witches, everything was back in society again, everyone's at home for the rest of the evening. In the Dupain-Cheng's residence, everyone fed their Kwamis, feed their fairy Pets, and their Pixies too before doing something productive until dinner time. In the Dupain-Cheng and head down to the kitchen and help their dad with dinner.

Marin: So, what are we having for dinner this time?

Tom: Healthier spicy chilli-honey chicken.

Mulan: (stirring the pot with a spoon) I'm also making some brown rice.

Timmy: Brown rice?

Mulan: Brown rice is a whole wheat grain of rice. It's healthier.

Timmy: Oh. *Bridgette help set the table and Marinette help too. *

Tom: I'm also making something for your mom too. She told me she wants salmon and noodles.

Mulan: That sounds delicious.

Sabine: (painting a picture and drinking some water) Tom, I would like some pineapple and potato.

Marin: What?

Bridgette: Yuck.

Mushu: Is it for you or for the baby?

Sabine: For both of us.

Mushu: I don't know how I you eat it. *He slithered away and everyone else gets dinner ready to go. *

Tom: Everything should be ready in about 10 minutes. *In the Liberty boat, Anarka checked over the noodles in the pot, she turned the stove off, she then cooks the shrimp in a pan with olive oil and asparagus. *

Othiteka: Need any help?

Anarka: Mind making sure the cob is done?

Othiteka: What is "cob"?

Anarka: (using tongs and turn each shrimp over) It's Scottish dinner rolls.

Othiteka: Ahh, okay. *He opened the oven door and sees the cob in the oven, he grab a pair of oven mitts, put them on, and take the pan out. * Think they're okay.

Anarka: Let me see. *She put the lid on the pan of shrimp and looked at the rolls. * Hmm, they look done. Think they're okay.

Othiteka: Okay. *He closed the oven, turned the oven off, and let the rolls cool off before dinner. *

Anarka: Thank you.

Othiteka: You're welcome. *He walked away as Anarka finish up the last of the shrimp that's cooking in the pan. *

At the Agreste Mansion, in the Atelier, Gabriel speaks on the phone while looking through his design sketches.

At the Agreste Mansion, in the Atelier, Gabriel speaks on the phone while looking through his design sketches

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Gabriel: Mm-hmm, yes. I'm planning on going to London in a week. Starting this Sunday. Yes, that's right. Just... *He sighed, looking annoyed. * Call waiting, I'll call you back. *He hangs up and answers another phone call. * Yes, I'm busy. I was right in the middle of something very important. What do you want? *He paused. * What?! This is unacceptable! The sample garment doesn't match at all! All you had to do was follow a pattern. Imbeciles! What am I supposed to do? The show is in three days! No, don't use him, he's completely useless. *He looked over at the portrait of him, Emilie, and Adrien together, he sighed again. * Sorry, about that. Call my assistant, Nathalie. She'll give you some other names. *He hangs up and calls the previous number back, then the door opens, he sees Nathalie at the door. *

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